Monday, September 30, 2019
Case Study 8.1: His Team Gets the Best Assignments Essay
Case Summary: Jack’s team: †¢ Most creative †¢ Willing to go the extra mile †¢ Gets along well with Carly †¢ Often gets allocated extra resources †¢ Praised for a provocative ad campaign Terri’s team: †¢ Counseled out of an ad campaign †¢ Performs well for the agency †¢ Unhappy with how Carly treats the team †¢ Holds animosity toward Carly †¢ Feels Carly is unfair and favors Jack’s team Julie’s team: †¢ Notices Carly favors other teams †¢ Feels the other teams get the best writers and art directors †¢ Feels Carly doesn’t notice her team or help it with its work †¢ Feels undervalued Sarah’s team: †¢ Sarah has worked for 10 years †¢ Agrees with some of Terri’s & Julie’s observations, but it doesn’t seem to bother her †¢ Her team gets the job done †¢ Being in Carly’s ‘inner circle’ would require extra time and more headaches †¢ No interest in changing the way department works Carly Peters directs the creative department at Mills, Smith, & Peters, which has the reputation for being one of the best advertising and public relation agencies in the country. The department has four major account teams, each is led by an associate director, who report directly to Carly. These four teams are headed by Jack, Terri, Julie, and Sarah. Each of the associate directors have different relationship with Carly. Questions 1.Based on the principles of LMX theory, what observations would you make about Carly’s leadership at Mills, Smith and Peters? According to LMX theory and its research, subordinates become a part of the in-group or the out-group based on how well they work with the leader and how well the leader works with them. Leaders should create a special relationship with all employees, similar to the in-group relationship. Leaders should also offer each employee the opportunity to take on new roles and responsibilities, and should look for ways to build trust and respect. It is clear from this case that Carly has different relationship with each associate directors. Jack’s team is the most creative and goes the extra mile. The result of these team members going the extra mile is that Carly, in turn, does more for them. Jack and Carly’s relationship is clearly in the phase three â€Å"partnership†of leadership making. Terri and Julie, claim that their teams perfo rm well for the agency and hence, it’s clearly unfair for Carly to be biased towards Jack’s team. Terri’s and Julie’s relationship with Carly appears to be in the Phase 2 â€Å"acquaintance†of the leadership making. The quality of leader member exchange matters most to employees who feel less empowered, and in this case it matters the most to Terri and Julie. It is the responsibility of the leader to make high quality exchanges will all the employees and make them feel as part of in-group to avoid negative implications and inequities. Sarah’s team gets the job done for the agency and Sarah clearly doesn’t want to be in Carly’s in-group, as it will mean more responsibilities for her and her team. Carly has low quality exchanges with Sarah, and their relationship appears to be in the phase 1 â€Å"stranger†of the leadership making. 2.Is there and in-group and an out-group, and if so, which are they? Jack’s team is clearly in the in-group and Sarah’s team is in the out-group. Julie’s and Terri’s team are also in the out-group but struggling to be a part of the in-group. 3.In what way is Carly’s relationship with the four groups productive or counterproductive to the overall goals of the agency? Leaders should have high quality exchanges and try to build effective dyads with all employees in the work unit, this would avoid inequities and negative implications of being in an out group. This in turn will also empower employees, and empowering them will have a positive implication on the job satisfaction, performance, turnover and the overall organizational goals. Carly’s relationship with Jack’s team is clearly productive. I feel that her relationship with Sarah’s team is also somewhat productive from an organizational standpoint, as Sarah mentions that her team gets the job done and she clearly doesn’t want to be in the in-group. However, her relationship with Terri’s and Julie’s team seems to affect the team’s morale. It also has made them feel ignored and invaluable, which would certainly af fect the teams productivity in the future, and in turn would be counterproductive to the overall goals of the agency. 4.Do you think Carly should change her approach toward the associate directors? If so, what should she do differently? Definitely, organizations stand to gain much from having leaders who can create good working relationship. Carly should try to be an effective leader and build effective relationships with all her employees, the number one thing to do would be to communicate and listen to each of them about their roles and responsibilities. She should also support them in their tasks and motivate them to perform better. If she creates high quality exchanges, builds effective relationships and makes everyone feel a part of in-group, the team dynamics and attitudes will become more positive and this in turn will have positive effect on the overall goals of the organization.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
My Favorite Food Essay
For many people, the history of their most favorite food takes source from their childhood. I am not an exception, and when I think about the most delicious and memorable food, I always remember amazing chocolate cakes with juicy cherries that my grandmother used to cook for me when I was a child. She lived in a small town in Kansas, and together with my mom and sister, we used to visit her several times a year for holidays. And every time our grandma was treating us with those amazing cakes! There is no child who does not like chocolate cakes. I guess, my grandma knew this so well, that is why she was glad to spend a full day in the kitchen cooking those cakes in order to make us happy. It is hard to find the words to express the feelings I was experiencing when I used to receive a plate with those divine brown cakes topped with huge juicy cherries and wrapped in dark-brown chocolate cream. I used to think that I could eat not less than a dozen of them at once! They were so sweet, delicious and amazingly delicate! I am not sure about the way she used to cook them, but I can say that the secret of the cakes was a special chocolate pastry cream. It was enough dense not to flow down from the cakes and tightly wrap the cherries on the top of every cake. But at the same time, this delicious chocolate souse was as soft and creamy as pure hot chocolate, and it was an extreme pleasure to feel its taste in my mouth and on my lips. Many years have passed, but every time I eat chocolate cakes with berries, sweet and blissful memories and feelings from my childhood come back to me. I feel myself like a little child again, waiting for miraculous doors to open and breathtaking smell of my grandma’s cakes make my head go round. Since those times, the taste of chocolate cream remains the sweetest and the most pleasant for me, no matter what kind of desert it is used for. So, whenever I want to travel in the past, â€Å"chocolate gates†become the gateway to my most precious memories. References â€Å"Warm Chocolate Torte with Seasonal Fruit. †(n. d. ). Pastry Wiz. Retrieved November 4, 2008: .
Saturday, September 28, 2019
The financial insecurities of commercial banks Essay
The financial insecurities of commercial banks - Essay Example A different article gives solution on how to curb the federal deposit insurance corporation losses on failed commercial banks. According to him, the FDIC losses can be reduced if the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Act of 1991 would be amended to allow FDIC authorities calculate the insured and uninsured depositors amounts for each deposited with several accounts in the same bank. The process of calculation will be done on a daily basis at the end of any banking day. This would be done by banks with at least two million deposit accounts. He suggests that within a large bank, this process will help a lot to allow insured depositors right to use their deposits within one business day of failure. Uninsured depositors are advised to share in the insolvency bank losses at the end of the blanking period. He suggests that this solution will apply to almost 37 banks as at the year 2014. The FDCI has tried to make the prompt corrective action initiative more determinable to secure the F DCI losses on the failing banks. The FDIC has used the test known as â€Å"least cost resolution†to protect uninsured depositors against any loss from their deposit accounts even in the failing banks. This article suggests that the entire franchise bank deposit insurance and the uninsured deposits be sold to one or more banks if this test would be successful to protect the uninsured depositors. This test aims at reducing the FDIC loss in a failed bank, by completely protecting the uninsured depositors against any financial loss.
Friday, September 27, 2019
International Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
International Logistics - Essay Example The grocery retail chain market in UK has become mature enough due to the presence of several potential organizations. The distribution strategy of Morrison is quite unique among the other retail players within the UK market. It is the only largest retail chain supermarket that owns and operates healthy and fresh food production and processing facilities. The organization has implemented vertical integrated distribution operation in the food category. This vertically integrated operation has helped Morrison to produce, distribute and retail enormous bulk of its fresh and unsullied meat and dairy requirements (Doole and Lowe, 2005, p.131). Moreover, this distribution structure helps the organization to process and package the fresh vegetables and fruits effectively. The organization has expanded and strengthens its manufacturing and distribution infrastructure in the fiscal year 2006 (Ruddick, 2013, p.1). In terms of manufacturing, Morison has expanded its in-house baking effectively and capacity by acquiring Rathbone’s 80% stake. The abattoir operation of Morrison was started to expand in the year 2005 by acquiring second facility in Scotland. The organization also has extended fruit processing and packing facility in Northamptonshire. Moreover, the organization has introduced a new warehouse in Rushden in order to package the vegetables. The organization has opened a fresh and new regional dedicated distribution centre at Kettering in the year 2005 (Furrer, 2010, p.233). It was estimated that this centre may save almost 70 nearby stores in UK. The global recession and European financial crisis in 2008 has affected international distribution and logistics structure of Morrison. Moreover several unfavourable reasons have resulted the fall in sales (plunkett, 2009, p.49). Despite of an extra trading date in the year 2011, the organization has reported 2.5pc sales drop. It is feasible that, the organization has implemented vertical integration strategy in t heir distribution channel (Mangan, Lalwani and Butcher, 2008, p.130). The major concern for Morrison is that, the sales figure has declined since the Christmas, whereas the other competitors, such as Sainsbury and Tesco have performed relatively well comparing to Morrison. According to Philips, limited numbers of convenience stores is affecting the business performance of Morrison. The organization has only 12 convenience stores. On the other hand, the other large competitors of Morrison have strong presence in the UK grocery retail market with numerous existing convenience stores. It is indicating that, the organization has limited access to growing division of the international grocery retail market. It is expected that, the organization may face several difficulties if they try to introduce new convenience stores in near future. According to Morrison, selling the grocery food products and vegetables through convenience store will be costly comparing to the selling food products i n traditional supermarket. Therefore, it is feasible that, the limited number of convenience store is hurting the sales of the organization. On the other hand it is affecting less to the business profit margins of Morrison. Moreover, the shareholders of Morrison are backing this particular old traditional sales strategy. The declined Christmas sales figure may create huge threat for the future perspective of Morrison. The organization is still utilizing supermarket chain model in order to sell their products. It is discussed earlier that, this
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Contemporary issues in management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Contemporary issues in management - Essay Example Thus developments in telecommunications and transportation infrastructure comprising the emergence of the telegraph together with its posterity and recently the rise of the internet are key aspects of globalization, producing more interdependence of cultural and economic activities (Ritzer, 2011). According to scholars, globalisation can be traced long before the European advent in voyages and discovery of New World. There are even those that trace its origins to the 3rd millennium BCE Nevertheless, the cultures and economies of the world grew very fast as the 19th century came to an end and 20th century began. The phrase globalisation has been used increasingly since 1980s and particularly in the mid-1990s.Thus the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 2000 identified 4 primary features of globalisation; transactions, trade, investment and capital movements, movement and migration of people as well as the distribution of knowledge. Moreover, environmental challenges like cross-boundary air pollution and water, over-fishing and climate change are all associated with globalisation. Various globalisation processes are affected and do affect business as well as work organization, socio-cultural resources, economics together with natural environment. Globalisation has also stimulated innovation. Thus American companies can for instance transfer technology to countries such as China. Thus, Apple’s iPad and iPhones were all prototyped and designed in California but their production is done in China. Thus China’s manufacturing competition is progressively more taking low-skill production while at the same time nurturing highly skilled innovations and inventions (Jones, 2010). In addition, around 15% of technological transformation in Europe previously can be directly accredited to Chinese imports competition, a yearly benefit of nearly 10 billion Euros to European economies. Thus, companies have reacted to China’s imports threat by adopting
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Variable and Fixed Costs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Variable and Fixed Costs - Essay Example Unlike in the absorption costing, all the variable expenses under the contribution income statement are deducted from the sales to get the contribution margin. This is followed by deducting fixed costs from the contribution margin to get the net profit or loss for a particular period. Under the absorption costing and contribution costing the net income is always the same only when the inventory is the same. Otherwise the income is higher under the absorption income statement that in the contribution income statement when the inventory is higher. Even though the fixed production costs under the contribution income statement are aggregated at the lower part of the income statement, all the variable and the administrative expenses are taken into consideration during the computation of the net profit thus making the two methods to have similar net profits when the income is the same. However, the similarity ends when a firm increases its inventory. Companies should create another income statement in a different format in order to undertake a comparison. Based on the impact of the inventory on the income of a company, an extra income statement helps the financial managers to show actual income of the company. One of the major aspects that are depicted by the preparation of income statement using the contribution margin format is that it helps the management in determining the proportion of the expenses that has impact on the revenues of a company. In this regard, it helps the management on adopting ways of minimizing such expenses in order to increase the profits. It is vital to note that fixed costs in the manufacturing of any product must be incurred. This implies that under the variable costing techniques, management is assisted on how to recover the fixed expenses in order to survive. Break-even analysis is a useful tool especially to the marketers. It entails the sales volume expressed in units that is
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Infection Control practices in Dentistry Research Paper
Infection Control practices in Dentistry - Research Paper Example The paper tells that dentistry is one of the most important and widely studied disciplines in medicine. It refers to the study, examination, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders, conditions, and diseases related to the oral cavity. This pertains to teeth in particular, along with the conditions present in the face and jaws (maxillofacial) area to some extent. Though the field of dentistry is also related to the cosmesis, it is usually considered entirely as a branch of medicine. In order to stay healthy in every aspect, dentistry is considered significantly important. A dental team carried out the dental treatment, and it usually comprises of dental auxiliaries (dental hygienists, dental therapists, dental assistants, and dental technicians) and dentists. Majority of the dentists render their services in primary care or private practices, along with some others working in secondary care (hospitals), and other institutions such as armed forces bases, prison etc. The histo ry of dentistry dates back to 7000 BC when it was practiced in the Indus Valley Civilization. Thus, dentistry is thought to be equally ancient as the history of civilization and humanity is. Slovenia was the place that showed the evidence of the earliest dental filling, formed from the beeswax more than 6500 years back. Then, in the 17th century, the Edwin Smith Papyrus wrote a manuscript, which reflected those written in 3000 BC detailing the treatment of various dental diseases. The Code of Hammurabi had referenced twice the dental extraction relating it to the punishment. The science of advanced dentistry finally took roots and developed between the years 1650 and 1800 by Pierre Fauchard, a French surgeon, who also got popular as the "father of modern dentistry".
Monday, September 23, 2019
Net Cash Flow Task 2 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Net Cash Flow Task 2 - Coursework Example However, the Net Present Value is very low. There are two reasons why Person K should not invest in a project with such a low NPV. The first is that other projects are likely to be available in the market that can give a higher NPV. Investing in this project has an opportunity cost equal to the return obtainable from those projects. Secondly, such a low NPV would leave little room for risks, and would be extremely sensitive. For example, if the expected sales fall by 10%, the project might show a negative NPV. Hence it is not advisable to invest in this project. Answer: The IRR for the project is 13.31%, which is higher than the cost of capital by 1.31%. For reasons similar to those advanced in the case of recommendation based on NPV above, the recommendation is that Person K should not invest in this project a) Rationale for recommendation: The IRR for the project is 13.31%, which is just marginally higher than the cost of capital. If Person K had an unlimited amount of money to invest, this project would qualify for investment. However, in a situation where there is a limited amount of capital to be invested, the returns should be maximized, and investing in low yielding projects would deprive Person K of the opportunity to invest in alterative high yielding projects. Secondly, the sensitivity of the project to variations in the assumptions would be very high, and small changes in the assumption would upset the entire calculation. Answer: Internal Rate of Return is the rate at which the Net Present Value becomes equal to 0. Accounting Rate of Return is the average net income from the project divided by the investment. Conceptually the two figures are very different. Internal rate of Return considers the actual cash flows, including the initial investment, whereas Accounting Rate of Return considers the Profit for each period after charging depreciation on the assets procured with the initial investment. Secondly, Internal Rate of
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Barclays Bank Retail Banking Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Barclays Bank Retail Banking Strategy - Essay Example Some of these are helpful for every firm in the industry and are called opportunities, while others bring bad news for everyone and are regarded as threats. Besides these forces in the external environment, a particular firm may have internal strengths such as the skill and experience of its staff, or weaknesses such as frequent labor disputes because of lack of clearly defined polices for staff and workers. In sum the fortunes of the firm are dependent on how well its management deals with business opportunities and threats, while using the strengths of the firm to take advantage of the opportunities and minimize the effect of the threats through clever planning and strategic implementation of its vision for the company. This is what is called strategic management- or the planning and implementation to achieve its desired plans in the marketplace in the face of these internal and external forces. The legal, political, sociological, economic and other environments may pose a number o f challenges that must be overcome by the business if it is to survive and prosper in the marketplace. Barclays Bank PLC is one of the key players in the worldwide banking industry as well as in India and this paper will discuss how successfully it has managed to meet the challenges faced by the banking sector in India. II. Overview of the Banking Sector in India The major Indian banks can be classified under three categories in terms of ownership:(1) Public sector banks such as State Bank of India, the Bank of Baroda, Bank of India, Punjab National Bank and Canara Bank; (2) Private sector banks such as ICICI Bank and HDFC Bank; and (3) Foreign Banks such as Citibank, Barclays Bank of India and Standard Chartered Bank. By December 2008, there were 28 public sector banks, 29 private sector banks and 30 foreign banks, in addition to other regional and cooperative entities. The banking sector in India is one that is full of intense competition. Lately the banking sector, which had been hit by the worldwide 2007-2008 economic recession, has been in recovery mode and efforts are still being made to put the sector back on track. The recessionary trend saw a decrease in the percentage of consumer lending from 29.9 percent in 2007 to just 17.1 percent in 2008. The major contractions were seen in the autos, housing, personal loans and consumer durables sectors. III. Supervision and Control As in most nations of the world, the outlook on monetary policy and regulation of the financial system lies with the Central Bank. In India, this is the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In keeping with the special functions of a central banking institution, it is also the issuer of local currency as well as the manager of foreign currency reserves and regulations in India. In the same fashion, the Securities and Exchange Board of India is the regulatory body that monitors stock market transactions and compliance with the rules. India also has an Insurance Regulatory & Development Authori ty like the FDIC in the USA that is responsible for protecting the interests of the policyholders. Â IV. The State of the Retail Banking Sector in India Retail banking has been the major hub of activity in recent years. The banks have classified their customers into three major groups- consumer, small business and corporate. It has been acknowledged that the progress of retail banking would most likely rest of four pillars: innovative offerings, distribution optimization, quality of management and shared system/back-office. Barclays has adopted an innovative strategy upon its entry into India in 2008. Banking today can be characterized by the different products that are being dealt with, such as investment banking, asset management or debt management, or by the type of customer dealing, such as Wealth Management
Saturday, September 21, 2019
There is a best time to eat fruits Essay Example for Free
There is a best time to eat fruits Essay The title of the article is â€Å"Fruit and vegetable consumption†by Claudio E. Perez, published under Health Reports, volume 13, issue number 3, last March 2002. This is a secondary data source that analyzes the first hand information from the first half of cycle 1.1 of the Canadian Community Health Survey, which was done starting from September 2000 up to February 2001. This article tackles on the various connections associating the frequency of consuming fruits and vegetables with other health-linked activities and situations like physical activities and exercises, smoking, drinking (alcohol consumption) and weight problems like obesity.            The research process that led me to this article was a series of database and search engine browsing and reading. Not all the sources that can be found in various databases are useful that’s why careful reading and analyses should be done. Using search engines like Google and Yahoo, I was able to come up with several articles when I keyed-in the words â€Å"best time to eat fruits.†The result turn-outs were overwhelming, but browsing through these outputs, there is barely any useful information that was available. The problems that have been encountered in looking for the article            The problem with these search engines is that there are a lot of articles, but only a few are proven to be credible. Using articles which no has known credibility would just spoil the research process, since the information you have at hand may not be telling the truth. If that’s the case, then it would be useless since there is no real basis of the information that you have gathered. In my case there were some who are not credible, turnouts coming from blogs or written by anonymous authors prove no actual use in my search for the â€Å"best time to eat fruits.†What leads me to finding the right article I could use was when I searched an online database for research articles by professionals which have been used in a larger scale, like a national survey. I keyed in the keywords â€Å"best time to eat fruits†but there were no results that came up. I narrowed my query to â€Å"time to eat fruits,†until I came up with Claudio E. Perez’ article, â€Å"Fruit and vegetable consumption.†Evaluating the reliability of a source            When evaluating whether the source at hand is reliable, I looked into some considerations like when and where it was published, and if it came into public review at some time. The article by Perez was based on a survey across Canada from the Canadian Community Health Survey. It was about the fruit and vegetable consumption and its relation to important health-related factors like exercise, smoking, alcohol consumption and obesity all around Canada. Claudio Perez’ credibility has been strengthened with his association with the Health Statistics Division at Statistics Canada. This means that he is affiliated with the actual research and data gathering institution which proves that his articles are factual and are based on actual results from surveys and researches made by other people. This article by Claudio Perez was also published under a journal entitled Health Reports which was spread around the country. It was published around March 2002, and was included in databases in various college online libraries all over the country.            The reliability of this article is also strengthened with the information that it offers, coming from a survey done in Canada by a legal institution. Also, the articles he provided in this writings were also based on previous writings by credible sources, which he used to back his information. Because of this, he was able to come up with a credible facts and information that back can back up his article, thus providing credibility for his paper. Questions that the article need to answer and the argument that it supports            When looking for the best time to eat fruits, I also considered several factors. This includes the consumers of these fruits, the fruits that are going to be consumed and the form or state that these fruits could be consumed. Looking at the nature of fruits in the human beings diet, it is usually being consumed as a dessert, food that could be consumed to fulfill the cravings for something sweet. But considering that these fruits have existed even before the discovery of cereals as staple food, it means that man has consumed food in their basic diets, not only as a dessert, but as a staple food instead. It then answer’s the query on the real role of fruit in people’s lives: not only a dessert, but could also be a number one source of dietary supplements that the body needs.            Another query that this article answers is regarding the consumers of fruits. Basically, everyone needs to consume these fruits, since it is a good source of fiber and vitamins, something that could supply a good quality of sugar, an essential ingredient for the body’s energy. People from all walks of life should eat fruits, but this paper showed that not all of the people consume these foods. The most common consumers of these fruits come from middle to upper class people of the society, since they are the ones who are able to afford or be able to bring out extra money in their budgets to buy fruits. This is because of the fact that these fruits are not a staple food in people’s diets today, that’s why they would prefer to allocate their budgets to buy cereals and meat products as a part of their menu. They view fruits as a dessert, that’s why they would spend extra money on buying it, especially if they are a little short on the budget.            Another query is what should be the forms or the state that these fruits could be consumed. Since most of the people view fruits as something to be eaten for dessert, they are usually eaten raw or sweetened or turned into candies or confectionaries. Others consume fruits by â€Å"juicing†them up, especially the citrus fruits (Stoppani). Others prefer to turn them into blended shakes or frooties and drink them as is, especially for those who are on slimming diets, avoiding eating foods rich in fats.            The real argument that this paper needs to answer is about the best time to eat fruits, and according to this article by Claudio Perez, these fruits can be eaten anytime during the day, since it was considered before as a staple food, not just some desserts or appetizers. It could provide the essential vitamins and nutrients that the body needs, and even more. These fruits are considered one of the healthiest foods, and that consuming them at a raw state is highly encouraged. With the advent of technology, they are being turned into juices or something appealing to the senses, like the more palatable fruit shakes, mixed with milk and other sweeteners. Summary of the structure and content of the source            Claudio Perez’ article. â€Å"Fruit and vegetable consumption,†aims to establish relationships and associations between various frequencies of consuming fruits and vegetable products with various health concerns like alcoholism, smoking, and physical activities and exercise. His data came from the Canadian Community Health Survey, wherein the data gathered were from September 200 through February 2001, the first half of the cycle 1.1. Population-based information and data regarding the fruit and vegetable consumption all over Canada were made available from the Canadian Community Health Survey. According to Perez, â€Å"Numerous studies indicate that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may help to prevent cardiovascular disease and certain cancers, which are leading causes of death in Canada (Perez).†This article associated low frequency of eating fruits and vegetables with several health risks to the human beings. This includes physical inactivity, smoking, weight problems and alcoholism.            The analytical techniques that were employed includes weighted means of providing information regarding the frequency of eating fruits and vegetables as related to various health behaviors of human beings. These health behaviors include consumption of alcohol, physical exercises and activities, smoking and weight problems. According to Perez, â€Å"the effects of other influences on food choices were considered, the positive relationship between fruit and vegetable consumption frequency and chronic disease persisted for men (Perez).†Health status and socio-demographic characteristics were also weighed in, in relation to frequency of eating fruits and vegetables.            The results that he was able to come up was that women were the ones who consume more of these fruits and vegetables as compared to men. According to Perez, â€Å"The average consumption frequencies for men and women whose level of physical activity was moderate or active and for those who were not daily smokers were significantly higher than the respective averages for men and women who were physically inactive or who smoked daily (Perez).†Taking on other influences regarding the topic, this relates the consumption of these fruits and vegetables into the state of being physically active, not engaging in smoking, and the reduced occurrence of being overweight, and not becoming alcohol dependent. Another article coming from an online source            This article was written by Frederic Patenaude, a noted author of health books and articles, chef and health expert. His article, â€Å"Is there a food better than fruit?†is about the consumption of fruits not only for desserts and snacks but as a staple food in human diets(Patenaude Is There a Food Better Than Fruit?). This article is found on the Free Weekly Online Newsletter, Pure Health and Nutrition, wherein Frederic Patenaude was one of the main contributors. This article is a first hand source of information or a primary source, since it Patenaude shares what he knows regarding the topic. It was more of an analysis of fruits as a staple food, with historical backgrounds of the primary diets of people back in time mostly consisting of fruits and vegetables (Patenaude Raw Soups, Salads and Smoothies: Simple Recipes for Everyday Health). It provided a list of the benefits that is offered by eating fruits, like it is a good source of natural sugar which is a source of energy for the body. It is also a good source of vitamins for the body as compared to any food. References: Diamond, Harvey. Tips and Hints for Eating Fruit Til Noon . 2006. Fit for Life: Not Fat for Life Ed. Harvey DIamond. Inc. April 17 2007. Patenaude, Frederic. Is There a Food Better Than Fruit? 2006. Pure Health and Nutrition E-zine. April 17 2007. . Raw Soups, Salads and Smoothies: Simple Recipes for Everyday Health. Raw Vegan, 2003. Perez, Claudio E. Fruits and Vegetable Consumption. Health Reports Volume 13.Issue 3 (2002). Stoppani, Jim. The Ripe Stuff: Can You Ea T Fruit and Still Get Sliced? M F Experts Dissect This Dieting Question. Muscle Fitness (2005).
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Fear Of Crime In Jamaica Criminology Essay
The Fear Of Crime In Jamaica Criminology Essay The fear of crime has been a major factor within Jamaicas society as it affects the countrys resource and peoples both, restriction of lifestyle, poor quality of life, low/ lack confidence, disempowerment, increasing financial costs and lack of education. All of these factors have an impact on fear levels. This has contributed to a lot of crimes that has not solve as well as people fearing for there lives. Many people in todays society express anxiety and fear about crime, and about being victimized. There is not much security or confidence in the police as they themselves help to contribute to most of the crime committed. People react to fear in different ways. Some people try to avoid crime, others try to protect themselves, and still others try to prevent victimization by not possessing anything for which they can be victimized. Both the government and the police have launched attempts to reduce the publics fear of crime. Police services have created numerous programs including education of victimization risks and of protective behaviours, Neighbourhood Watch, Crime Prevention through Environmental Design such as (police youth clubs), and foot patrol. The government has implemented new legislation, such as amendments to the administration of youth justice. The media play a substantial role in determining the amount of fear of crime that people hold. This comes from the fact that the media extensively and disproportionately cover crime stories. This leads people to believe that there is more crime than there actually is, and believing that a great amount of crime exists in society leads people to fear. The Impact of Fear of Crime Crime and fear of crime are significant matters of concern to communities across Jamaica. The most important factor when examining the impact of fear of crime is to determining whether or not the fear is proportionate to the actual incidence of crime. Yes we fear crime; as a result we are afraid to go to the police because of what we fear. So we live with the consequences that the law does not do it job, yet we the citizens has import information that can help ourselves will not do so. The Positive Effects When the fear of crime is impartial to reality, people are aware of the risks linked with various personal violence offences. This level of fear or concern can promote good personal safety habits and improved home and property security, thereby minimizing the risks of becoming a victim. The Negative Effects When the fear of crime becomes disproportionate to the reality, the positive effects may swiftly be replaced with a string of devastating effects on a persons lifestyle and quality of life. These effects can include: some people may be afraid of particular types of crime but not of others some individuals may be afraid of crime in the home but not in public places there is a wide range of perceptions of crime, which differ across sections of society, for example, women, older Jamaicans and young children many factors contribute to fear of crime, including personal victimization, anecdotal evidence and the reporting of incidents in the media the perception of the extent of criminal activity is not supported by the evidence of crimes committed. All these factors affect each of us differently as we may consider that we are not a part of this. The rate at which fear of crime has increased in Jamaica, as significant implementation on our youths as they are the ones that are being influenced the most. What affect crime today in Jamaica? Restriction of Lifestyle fear of crime often causes people to avoid situations and curtail movements, sometimes to the extent that they become reluctant to leave their own home or to talk to the police for fear of their lives. Poor Quality of Life not only as a result of restricting their movements, but many people either avoid previously enjoyed activities in an attempt to ensure personal safety, or undertake the activities without enjoyment due to an overwhelming fear. This cause great strain on the person as they may become depress and do not try to change their status of living as it make no sense to. Low/ lack Confidence fear of crime often decreases a persons confidence in their surroundings. This lack of confidence is portrayed in their body language which conveys the appearance of an easy victim to offenders, who target vulnerability. Not only does the lack of confidence thereby increase the risk of becoming a victim of personal violence, it also reduces a persons ability to effectively deal with an attack, as they often lack faith in their ability to stop the attack or escape. Disempowerment by constantly feeling at risk of personal violence, a disempowering victim mentality is often adopted. This may further decrease a persons confidence and appearance of vulnerability, increasing their risk of becoming a victim. Increasing Financial Costs not only can this cost be evidenced by the community generally, but also on an individual basis by those people whose fear of crime leads them to turning their home into a fortress or flee from the area where there is a lot of violence. Lack of Education not only are they educated enough to know what they are doing is wrong. It is easy to see how we characterized problems with drugs, crime, teen pregnancy, unemployment, idle youth, abandoned houses, and unresponsive police can be stressful. Still to be conceptualized are the mechanisms through which neighborhood disorder may shape the behaviour practices of its residents. Contributing Factors to Fear of Crime There are a number of factors which may significantly increase the fear of crime in the community, including: Media Sensationalism Bad News Sells. Incidents of crime often make a good story. Subsequently, the media is quick to report on negative incidents that occur whilst ignoring positive ones. Thus a perception is often generated that there is a higher risk of encountering crime than what there really is. This is perhaps best highlighted in incidents involving older people and young children, which seem to attract a dramatically disproportionate amount of media coverage to reality of occurrences, thereby significantly increasing the fear of crime of this group and young children. This poses a negative impact on the country and the government as this vandalized the character of the country on an international level and the Human Rights bodies are wondering if we really can combat crime. This dampens the countrys resource to earn foreign exchange through tourism and other sectors as people fear of crime wont let them be a victim of these said crime. Music/ Entertainment This influence our youths in major ways as the jargon of music they listen to influence their behaviour to be a part of gangs or fear being victim of crime by gangs. This has to do with the type of behaviours shown in our school by both gender as a result this impact on them psychologically and physically. Their adaptation to these types of music influences their level of thinking and behaviours whether positive or negative and thus will impact on society greatly. Continuum of Minor Harassment Frequent exposure to incidents of minor harassment, e.g. inappropriate comments and unwanted sexual touching, can have a significant effect of peoples perceptions of risk and their levels of fear as this may affect both gender. This may affect them psychologically and therefore affects them to function productive in todays society. Sometime our boys may be victims of sexual harassment but because society sees men as tough, enough emphasis has not been place on their well being. This type of stigma affects them deeply as they may want to kill the person that has done this to them and eventually become killers. Perceptions of Vulnerability A number of factors may contribute to personal perceptions of vulnerability such as age, gender, perceived physical strength, fear of sexual assault, previous victimization, etc. This make them weak with fear of a crime will be committed against them. Perceived Loss of Control In his 1995 book Fear of Crime: Interpreting Victimization, Ferraro established from a literature review that incivility encompassed both physical and social environments. Physical incivility refers to disorderly surroundings such as litter, abandoned buildings/cars, graffiti, broken/barricaded windows, etc. Whereas social incivility includes disruptive behaviour such as rowdy youths, homeless people, beggars, drunks and inconsiderate neighbours. These incivilities may, either separately or combined, indirectly heighten fear of crime through giving the impression of a loss of control of the environment and a lack of caring. Anticipation of Serious Consequences For both women and men, the seriousness of rape is often perceived as equal in consequence to murder. But if a man is rape by a woman it may not be taken seriously if reported to the police as a woman, so subsequently their anticipation of the serious consequences of this type of crime is extremely high. Likewise some people, especially those who are older, suffering ill-health, physically incapacitated or financially limited, may have high levels of fear generated through their perceived lack of ability to physically and financially recover from a crime incident perpetrated against them. Extent of Fear of Crime Whilst the most consistent finding in Jamaica on fear of crime is that women are more fearful than men, it remains that the effects of fear of crime are wide reaching and cross both gender and age boundaries some of the major findings include: All respondents of the survey (young and old, male and female) saw young people in particular as a source of threat in public places; Young women feared sexual assault and young men saw themselves as potential targets for assaults and robberies by gangs; Most people have a general fear about unpredictable strangers especially in public places a night; Age is an important indicator of perceived risk and worry about crime. Middle-aged respondents perceive themselves at most risk of property crime and worry most about it. While young people see themselves as at greater risk of crimes against them and have a higher level of worry; Older people may feel more vulnerable but they tend not to place themselves in risky situations. Of the twenty persons that did the questionnaire I found that 75% of women surveyed felt unsafe in public places at night and that found that 55% of women felt unsafe waiting for public transport alone after dark especially in the Kingston area. Strategies to Address a Disproportionate Fear of Crime A disproportionate fear of crime can severely detract from a persons health and well-being. It is therefore essential to identify a number of strategies that may reduce this fear, including: Community Education This is important to address the underlying reasons behind peoples fear of crime and educate them of the common trends, actual risks and effective personal safety strategies to minimise their chances of becoming a victim. This way the first steps will be taken to ensuring all people enjoy a healthy and positive lifestyle unfettered by unnecessary constraints. This education could take place through presentations delivered to any community group or forum, including Neighbourhood Watch, Kiwanis, Rotary, sporting groups, etc. Media Coverage Media coverage of success stories coupled with the realistic portrayal of personal violence risks will significantly contribute to the reduction of fear. People can support this strategy by advising the media (particularly local papers) of success stories they are aware of, or by making complaints in relation to the unrealistic portrayal of personal violence resulting from particular stories shown on the television. Assertive Behaviour Encouraging community members, friends and family to be assertive and confident will assist in reducing their fear of crime, as well as their risk of becoming a victim of personal violence. Reinforcement of Personal Strengths People who experience fear are generally not confident in maintaining their personal safety. By encouraging people to be committed to their personal safety, and reinforcing their personal strengths, such as negotiation skills, physical strength and/or self defense skills, you can assist to increase their confidence and commitment to their safety, and reduce their fear of crime. Home and Property Security Education Providing community members with crime prevention information on topics such as home and property security, may alleviate their fear of crime by being aware of, and taking action to address their fear whilst in the home or of having property stolen. The Police and Government reaction Police and politicians alike hoped that by providing the fearful with accurate and true information on victimization risks, crime rates, crime in their neighbourhoods, and proper ways to protect themselves, people would have no reason to fear, and fear would be reduced. Educating people about crime is a simple and inexpensive method of reducing fear compared to other methods such as increasing the number of police officers or changing legislation. This method though does not guarantee decreased levels of fear. Conclusion Fear of crime is real and it affects peoples quality of life. Fear has not been reduced and people do not feel safer. As long as fear persists, the public will continue to call for more of the same harsh measures. It is time that politicians and leaders stop merely reacting to fear by proposing simplistic, short-term solutions to the complex problems of crime. Years of research have shown that the correctional practices we now have in place are not effective in creating safe communities and simply delay the problem, thereby not reducing fear in the long-term. The public looks to others for help in reducing the fear of crime, but the people the public looks to for guidance cannot always be of help. When the public sees that the police, the government and the law are unable to assist them with their concerns, individuals will often take charge of the situation for themselves with this type of mentality can lead to vigilantism.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Scottsboro Trials Essays -- American History, Segregation
In the 1930’s segregation was strongly enforced and whites were superior to blacks. It didn’t matter whether you were poor or rich, if you were white you had more respect and trust than any black person did. So when white girls accuse blacks of raping them, something big is about to happen. Trials that were meant to only take a few days, turned into months, and soon it became years. Before people knew it, something as simple as rape trials was altering the countries future. The Scottsboro Trials were conducted in a way that gave us long-lasting effects. Hoboes hitched rides on freight trains and did as they pleased during the 1930’s (Carter 3). When the train pulled away from the station at Stevenson the station master was approached by a group of pale hoboes. The only white guy in the group was grasping the back of his head which appeared to be oozing with blood. The group claimed there had been a fight and the group of Negros had thrown them out of the train (Carter 4). When the station master got word out to Jackson County the sheriff gave the county deputy authority to deputize any man he could find. When the freight train came to a halt at the Jackson county station it took all but ten minutes to search it. When the investigation was complete their findings consisted of nine colored Negro boys and two white women who were disguised as boys (Carter 5). When questioned, the boys claimed to have never seen each other before. After the deputy was done with the interrogation they were tied together in a line with a plo w line. The nine boys were telling each other the outcome of this would be good. Ruby Bates told the deputy that the nine Negro boys raped her and her girlfriend Victoria Price (Carter 6). When the nine Negro... ...erybody’s right. When it comes to our criminal justice system, we are more knowledgeable about our rights and how they should be conducted (â€Å"Right Due To Process†112). These trials took place almost 81 years ago. At the time of this event the world was different. Racism was a big part of how our country worked, and blacks really had no rights. It took seven years for the Scottsboro trials to begin and find an end. Little did the community know that during the trials (1930-1937) they were changing the way we see things today. People still recall the events of the trials and even though we don’t realize it, we live with the effects of the trials everyday. Blacks are now considered apart of our community and they all have the same rights as we do. If the Scottsboro Trials had been conducted any differently, blacks might not have all the same privileges as whites.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
Dentistry :: essays research papers
I began this paper with certain ideas regarding the carries process. It is a known fact that fluoride helps to prevent carious lesions. Not a whole lot of studies or information is out there on what I sought out to find. That would be the relationship between calcium phosphate and carious lesions. I am familiar with the remineralization process of enamel, and so I decided my topic would appropriately be that calcium phosphate can prevent carious lesions by helping to remineralize the enamel. It was difficult to find material to support this topic. While researching, I came across numerous products that contain calcium phosphate and claim to what I would like it to do.      Carious lesions don’t just develop over night. It is a process and it takes a long time, any where from six months to two years. Dental caries is a dynamic process characterized by alternating periods of demineralization and remineralization (Harris and Garcia-Godoy 45). Enamel is composed of densely packed hydroxyapatite crystals. The hydroxyapatite crystals are made up of tricalcium phosphate. During demineralization this is what is lost. Once enough of this mineral is lost, part of the tooth structure will collapse forming a cavity. Remineralization is when those ions lost are redeposited in a demineralized area. It all starts small. We have that wonderful acquired pellicle which is like fly paper for bacteria. When the bacteria accumulates a plaque is now present. The bacterial plaque will produce acids, which can eventually cause the enamel structure to collapse (Winston 1580).      Since calcium and phosphate are what is lost during demineralization, for the remineralization to occur we must replace these minerals. Saliva naturally contains calcium and phosphate (Winston 1580). Each person can have a different salivary concentration of these minerals. It was found that men have a higher concentration of salivary calcium than women (Sewon 917). There are any number of factors that play hand in hand with a high level of salivary calcium. High calcium content of the saliva gives us a high rate of remineralization after initial demineralization. It was noted that the number of decayed, missing, or filled teeth was lower in patients with high salivary calcium (males). Some drawbacks to having this much mineral content in the saliva are more bleeding on probing. This is due to an increase in plaque. It was also found that this calcium rich plaque hardens very rapidly.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Chemical Kinetics: Enzymes Essay -- Chemical Kinetics: Enzymes
Chemical Kinetics is the branch of chemistry that studies the speed at which a chemical reaction occur and the factor that influence this speed. What is meant by the speed of a reaction is the rate at which the concentrations of reactants and products change within a time period. Some reactions occur almost instantaneously, while others take days or years. Chemical kinetics understanding I used in the process of designing drugs, controlling pollution and the processing of food. Most of the time chemical kinetics is used to speed or to increase the rate of a reaction rather than to maximize the amount of product. The rate of a reaction is often expressed in terms of change in concentration (Ά[ ]) per unit of time (Άt). We can measure the rate of a reaction by monitoring either the decrease in concentration (molarity) of the reactant or the increase in the product concentration. Considering the following hypothetical reaction: A 2B Where A molecules are being converted to B molecules, we can say that the rate of this reaction would be: _ Ά[A] (with respect to the decrease in A concentration) Άt 1 Ά[B] (with respect to the increase in B concentration) 2 Άt Many factors influence rates of chemical reactions. Some of these factors include: the nature of reactants, for example the formation of salts, acid-base reactions, and exchange of ions are fast reactions, while in reactions where bigger molecules are formed or break apart are typically slow; temperature, frequently, the higher the temperature, the faster the reaction; concentration effect, the reliance of reaction rates on concentrations are called rate laws. Rate laws are expressions of rates in terms of the concentra... ...t being the only target of these enzymes they also make changes retinol, steroids, and fatty acids. The collection of different kinds of alcohol dehydrogenase guarantees that there will always be one that is just perfect for the each task. This enzyme size is 80,000 g/mol, its charge is pI = 5.4, and it optimal pH I 8.6. Works Cited 1. ADH. 2. Alcohol Dehydrogenase. 3. Alcohol Dehydrogenase. 4. Worthington Price List. Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Monday, September 16, 2019
Competition in Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages Essay
The problem which I will be looking at in this report is whether the energy drink, sport drink and vitamin-enhanced beverages are able to be sustainable in the beverage industry. Of the four companies to be discussed; will all of them still be around in 10 years? During the mid-2000’s these alternative beverages enjoyed rapid growth; they had premium prices and high profit margins that made them an important part in the lineup of their brands (Thompson, p. C-75). The strength of these companies had been growing strong but had a slight decline in recent years. SWOT for the Industry Strength: Product Expansion – many new products have been developed Distribution Channels – Can use convenience stores, grocery stores Able to deliver with carbonated soft drinks Weakness: Price is high compared to soft drinks Unhealthy ingredients Caffeine is not regulated – like in soft drink industry Opportunity: Consumer demand Supplier Channels – ingredients, cans, labels Product Innovation – provides differentiation Brand Loyalty – taste, image, energy boosting Brand building skills needed 2 oz. energy shots Threat: Economy Scientific evidence that some products are not healthy Effect people with heart arrhythmias and insomnia. Mix with alcohol Relaxed Drink Niche – abuse with prescription cough syrup As we look at this SWOT analysis of the alternative beverage industry we notice that there are some opportunities that they have created and are able to use in the future. Consumers’ choices are changing from the standard soft drink to alternative beverages. The key is to be sustainable by building up these products. The main opportunity to help with sustainability is to build brand loyalty. Try building up the knowledge and uses of your brands will help you gain the skills needed to continue building the brand. SWOT for PepsiCo Strength: Leads in US: Aquafina – mineral water Frappuccino – ready to drink coffee Tropicana – orange juice Gatorade – sports drinks Strong distribution Broad product line Weakness: Slow growth in Latin America and Japan Opportunity: Food division should expand internationally Threat: Coca Cola leading brand for carbonated drinks Living healthy awareness PepsiCo has grown to be a strong competitor in the global market of alternative beverages. This SWOT shows that they need to increase their growth in the markets of Japan and Latin America. As we discussed in the overall market they can learn how to increase their brand loyalty. SWOT for Coca Cola Strength: Leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor for non-alcoholic beverages Gaining distribution of new beverages such as Minute Maid, Dasani and Powerade Multi-year distribution agreement with Hansen Natural Corporation Weakness: Market share in alternative beverages Opportunity: New product development Introduction of existing brands into new country markets Threat: PepsiCo is slowly taking over the market with multi-line of beverages Increase trend in healthy living Globally they have been a top company in the beverage industry. They have been not as strong in the alternative beverage market. The experiences they have with the carbonated beverages can continue on with the new industry and increase their brand loyalty to the alternative side. The key is to expand their brands into the global market and make it sustainable. SWOT for Red Bull GmbH Strength: #1 seller of energy drinks Weakness: Lack of innovation Reliance on small product base Opportunity: Diversification of beverages to capture wider market opportunity Geographical expansion Threat: Other energy drinks such as Powerade and Gatorade Healthier drinks such as mineral water and juices Red Bull has been a leader in marketing of their product. This marketing prowess has made them the number one seller of energy drinks. I think that if they want to grow and be able to protect themselves from the big two they need to grab the opportunity to diversify into other alternative beverages. As they diversify they will expand into becoming a wider market. SWOT for Hansen Natural Corporation Strength: Monster Energy drinks propelled company sales in 2002 Monster Energy is second best-selling energy drink in USA Weakness: Brand name is not as familiar as the others Opportunity: Develop new products Threat: Competitors have bigger names in the industry. The Hansen Natural Corporation is in the earlier stages of development in this industry thus making them not as well-known as the others. They key that they have done is learned from Red Bull and market their product towards the younger male demographics. Building brand loyalty with the young males will help with the sustainability as that generation grows older they will continue to buy the product. Porter’s Five Forces of Competitive Position Rivalry among Existing Competitors: Beverage producers increased the market for alternative beverages by extending product lines and developing new products. Companies established consumer brand loyalty with an emphasis on advertising, sales promotions and endorsements. Switching costs are low for consumers. Rivalry among competitors is strong. Threat of New Entrants: The brands of: Coca Cola, PepsiCo, Red Bull, Hansen Natural have strong productdifferentiation & brand loyalty. Government policies are restrictive by the FDA regulations. Alternative beverage sellers need to have an efficient distribution system that can reach supermarkets and convenience stores. Threat of new entrants is weak. Bargaining Power of Buyers: Of the distributors; delis and restaurants had low switching costs from brand to brand, but also had less ability to negotiate for deep pricing discounts because of volume limitations. Consumers can obtain the products easily and are well-informed Buyers have stronger bargaining power. Bargaining Power of Suppliers: There are many supplier ingredients & are trying to sell the products. Some rare ingredients providers had an adequate amount of leverage in negotiations with energy drink producers. The producers are important customers of suppliers and they buy in large quantities Packaging is readily available from many suppliers. Suppliers are weaker. Threat of Substitute Products: There are many substitutes to alternative beverages such as tea, soft drinks, fruit juices, bottled water and tap water. Competitive pressure from substitute products is strong. As we look at the 5 forces I have decided that rivalry amongst the competitors is the strongest factor while the power of suppliers is weakest. New entrants are a weak force as the 2 big companies historical action is to purchase companies out when they get to be a nuisance in the market. The reason that suppliers have a low bargaining power is that if a company does not want to deal with you there is somebody else out there that is willing to take your place. The buyers (consumers) have a strong force because they are the ones who decide what they want to consume. It is easy to open up the door next to your product and grab the competitor’s product. The 2nd strongest force that I can see is the threat of substitute products. Just like the competitors; consumers have the option to pick a substitute beverage instead of your energy, sports or vitamin-enhanced drink. The reason I went with the rivalry is that we are talking about the sustainability of the market. Competition with fellow companies is healthy for a company and helps the products to grow compared to being the only option in the market. Choice for consumers creates the competition which helps make the whole market stronger. As the market become stable and has a consistent demand the companies will be able to expand their market. The generation that they have to market to be used to having product innovation and marketing innovation. â€Å"An ongoing stream of product innovations tends to alter the pattern of competition in an industry by attracting more first-time buyers, rejuvenating industry growth with concomitant effects on rivalry, entry threat, and buyer power (Thompson, p. 74)†. All of this helps with sustainability. Financial Analysis Net Income Changes | Pepsi – Co| Coca-Cola| Hansen| Between 2007-2008| -8. 9%| -2. 9%| -27. 7%| Between 2008-2009| 15. 7%| 17. 5%| 93. 2%| Between 2007 and 2009| 5. 4%| 14. 1%| 39. 7%| * All three companies had a bad change from 2007 to 2008. The economy at that time was at a low thus it does not mean that it was their fault. * Hansen had a big jump from 2008 to 2009 as they made an important transition of Monster Energy from a domestic North American brand into a truly international brand (Monster Beverage Corp. p. 3). They had a more reasonable change between 2007 and 2009. * Coke has a consistently higher level of net income with a more consistent change. * Pepsi-Co had a good change from 2008 to 2009. Gross Profit Margin | Pepsi – Co| Coca-Cola| Hansen| 2007| 54. 3%| 63. 9%| 51. 7%| 2008| 52. 9%| 64. 4%| 52. 1%| 2009| 53. 5%| 64. 2%| 53. 6%| * Shows a consistent percentage that the revenues can cover the expenses and are able to create a profit. | * The companies are consistent in their ability to achieve that margin. Coke has the highest percentage. | * They appear to have a good handle on covering their expenses with their revenues. | | Operating Profit Margin| | | | | Pepsi – Co| Coca-Cola| Hansen| 2007| 18. 2%| 25. 1%| 22. 5%| 2008| 16. 1%| 26. 4%| 13. 8%| 2009| 18. 6%| 26. 6%| 25. 8%| * Shows how much profit is earned on sales before paying interest charges and taxes. | | * The companies are consistent again with Hansen having a low year in 2008 but close with Coke. | * Coke was the consistent high company. | | | | | | | Net Profit Margin| | | | | Pepsi – Co| Coca-Cola| Hansen| 2007| 14. 4%| 20. 7%| 14. 6%| 2008| 11. 9%| 18. 2%| 9. 1%| 2009| 13. 8%| 22. 0%| 15. 9%| * A high net profit margin indicates a more profitable company that has better control over its costs compared to its competitors. * Coca-Cola is the higher ratio company with a consistent ratio that grew from 2007 to 2009. The other 2 companies are close in percentages and are lower than Coca-Cola. This shows that Coca-Cola is more profitable than the other two companies. Alternatives: * Coca Cola to improve. * Red Bull to improve * Hansen Natural to improve * PepsiCo to improve * Continue running the same Discussion of the Alternatives: Coca Cola One of the keys to help be sustainable is being innovative and building up a good image; this will help to recapture the market share lost in the energy drink market. Coca Cola should also try to create more rapid growth in vitamin-enhanced beverages and also by creating an â€Å"energy shots†product. Globally they can strengthen alternative beverage sales in Asia and their lack of competitiveness in European market. Coca Cola can use a combination of new flavors and formulations, line extensions, and brands; they can increase sales of the alternative beverages internationally by building a strong image and strengthen their distribution capabilities. Researching a country is important factor, so that you can see what that country looks for in an alternative beverage. Then produce that product and also market to their way of life. They could also try and introduce more flavors that people will enjoy and cut the ones that aren’t doing well. PepsiCo Sustainability can be strengthened by having a major image building campaign for their top product. Just like Coke they need to expand into energy shot branding by having Rockstar add energy shot to its distribution agreement. Another option is to negotiate for distribution rights to European and Asia-Pacific markets with Rockstar or launch its energy drink brands into attractive international markets. In the case it, they discussed that they had introduced a new lineup of alternative drinks known as Charge, Rebuild, Defend, and Bloodshot. As a consumer I have not heard of those brands; indicating to me that marketing of those new products needs an overhaul so that we, the consumers, are aware of such products. Another thing they could do is try to come up with new good tasting flavors for its SoBe energy drink line. Red Bull GmbH The Red Bull brand should improve the performance of its recently introduced energy shot. They need to continue to expand into rapidly growing markets for energy drinks. It is necessary for the company to maintain its lead in the U. S. and European energy drink market. A major key for Red Bull is getting additional product line extensions with the help of their R & D department. They also can develop sports drinks or vitamin-enhanced beverages that can further exploit the appeal of the Red Bull brand. Hansen Natural Corporation Hansen has an agreement with Coca Cola to be a distributor. To be competitive in the alternative beverage market you need to have a strong distribution system. When you have control over your own distribution it gives you the power to have good sales volume and increased market share. Placement on store shelves in the â€Å"first mover areas†is a key to increasing those sales and being in control of your distribution, and then you can set up good locations on store shelves. They also need to continue looking at being innovative in producing new and better products. Image is critical in the minds of consumers in choosing the brands they want. The image presented by the product’s name and emphasized in advertisements, endorsements, and promotions create demand for one brand over another. Finally, sufficient sales volume to achieve scale economies helps in becoming an important driver. They need to have sufficient sales volumes to keep marketing expenses at an acceptable cost per unit basis. Continue running the same That kind of alternative is not a good business decision in that progression is what drives the business environment. In a competitive environment those standing still will be passed or swallowed by the running beast as it goes by. As we seen in our SWOT, all four companies are not at a perfect state and have many opportunities at their doorstep. Recommendation: This case and the way in which has worked out is more about how the industry has a whole can be sustainable. Each one of the companies has similar options that are available to help be maintainable. The one company to me that stands out is the Hansen Natural Corporation because it has been innovative in their options in comparison to Red Bull, such as the size of the cans that they offer. They provide more products for the same or lower price point. I recommend that they develop a better distribution system for their product. It will help with the first mover area which they can move into. As they become stronger in their distribution system they will increase their opportunities to sell their products. Options of places to sell their products such as in vending machines will make their product available to an increased market. As these market segments grow the sales volume will increase with a stronger market share to become available. Brand image is strong to continue building by sponsoring the events to the consumers which you focus your products towards. Action Plan: Immediate: Research distribution channels and how to become â€Å"first mover area†company Short: Cancel agreement with Coke Mid: Set up the distribution channel system. Launch the new system. Long: Make adjustments to the system as the need arises. Conclusion: Competition in the Energy Drinks, Sports Drinks and Vitamin-Enhanced Beverages market will continue to grow as the companies continue to be innovative. I have looked at ways to help the companies be more sustainable. I discussed how Hansen Natural will be able to grow and prosper in the alternative beverage market. References Monster Beverage Corp. (2010, February 28). Annual Report. Retrieved March 6, 2013, from www. zonebourse. com/MONSTER-BEVERAGE-CORP-9771916/pdf/182022/Monster%20Beverage%20Corp_Rapport-annuel. pdf Thompson, A. A. , Strickland, A. J. , & Gamble, J. (2012). Crafting and executing strategy: the quest for competitive advantage : concepts and cases (18th ed. ). Boston: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Communication Changes Essay
How did we arrive here? I ask that question after pondering the thought of how communication has changed just in my lifetime. I was born in 1970 in a small Idaho town. Party lines were still being used by most of my neighbors along our rural gravel road, and touch tone dialing wasn’t even thought of – at least not in my county. Two black and white televisions were in our household†¦one 14†in my parents’ room and a larger 19†in our family room. Cable tv? Not a chance. Four channels was all that was available, one of which was PBS – so unless Sesame Street was on, that didn’t count. That was just forty three years ago. Ouch. Writing that number makes it seem like a much longer time than it is, I still feel young. However looking back at all of the changes in the last four decades can be mind boggling. I watched new technology arrive and often thought â€Å"wow†¦.this is it, they will never invent anything that can outdo this!†. The touch tone phone, it allowed us to call someone so much faster than before. Soon after the VCR was the next best thing to come into our household and although not a communication device it would eventually evolve into an interactive communication tool. Communicating with someone in another town, state, or country was limited to either telephone or postal mail, which my grandparents at the time still commented on how amazing it was to be able to speak with someone on the other side of the planet. But it was expensive, very expensive. While brainstorming for this paper only a few methods of communication came to mind, oral, written, and electronic. During my research I found that communication technologies can be classified into eight different stages according to Walter Ong (Source: Theo 2011): 1. Orality (talking only) 2. Early Writing (pictorial writing then eventually phonetic alphabets, â€Å"craft literacy†, parchment). 3. Later Writing (scrolls then early bound books i.e. codices) 4. Early Print (Gutenberg and friends) 5. Later Print (the mass market begins) 6. Electric (Telegraph, Telephone) 7. Electronic (TV and radio) 8. Digital (Internet, cell phones) After initially reviewing this list I was astounded at how communication progress was extremely slow in the first five stages – consisting of tens of thousands of years between one stage to the next; however in my lifetime alone I have witnessed the last three stages evolve. I wonder, will this happen again? Will my son witness communication evolve three, four, five times in his lifetime? Or was this technology evolution an anomaly. Fast forward to current day, we have so many choices available to communicate with others it is often difficult to choose which method we want to use. Should I eMail my friend in San Francisco, call him using my house or cell phone, send him a text with an attachment of my wife and I’s wedding, or would he prefer a hand written card sent via the US Postal Service? Not only am I faced with which method works best for me in these situations but I also need to consider my recipient. It is generally very easy for adults to choose the appropriate method of communication however teenagers struggle more than ever. Often they will choose the simplest form of communication for their generation – texting. They even have their own new language while texting, SMS language or otherwise known as ‘textese’. This type of language is very similar to those used when the telegraph was in use over a hundred years earlier. The SMS language utilizes the fewest number of letters to produce words and sentiments in their correspondence, mostly driven by space, time and cost restraints.
Tennis Ball Drop
Tennis Ball Inquiry Goal Purpose When received this lab we had to come up with an experiment that would have to involve testing two tennis balls but one of the tennis ball had to be altered in one way. The way we tested the tennis ball was by dropping them from a certain height and seeing how high they bounce back up. We then would make a graph and then see the relationship between the data.Once finding the relationship we can then linearity the data. This was initial practice for our next ELSE. Variables Our independent variable for this experiment was the height we had dropped tooth of the tennis balls from. The dependent variable was the tennis balls. One of them we left untouched and the other one was soaked In water before each drop. Procedure To setup the experiment we had to use three meter sticks and two standard tennis balls.We took all three of the meter sticks aligning them vertically up against the wall. Taping them into place we were then able to use them to measure the height of the dropping point. Using our eye sight we had to determine how far up the ball bounced up on the meter stick. We then proceeded to find three appropriate heights to drop then tennis ball at. Dropping it three times at each height and then averaging the data. On the soaked tennis ball we would soak the ball for two seconds before each drop.We also measured the weight of each ball before dropping them. After doing this 3 times each and receiving our averages we were able to create our data and see the relationship between the two. Data The ball that wasn't soaked weighed and average of 5. 4 grams. The soaked ball averaged the weight of 5. 9 grams.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece
As I began reading this book, I found that it is amazing how so many historians whether they may be researching Grecian history or any other country. It seems that they all or the majority has different opinions on their findings. Therefore, it puzzles me to what is fable and what is fact. In many cases, some things are yet to be seen. Even the ancients them selves seem to be uncertain. Even through glimpses of links connecting them with there past. They to argued about what was fact and what was fable. It appears that the country Helene that in imitation of the Romans came to be known as Hellas, we now call India. I found it amazing how the progress of time came through the names of the following. Originally the city Thessaly built by Hellen son of Deucalion; next Phthiotis, Thessaly, all of Greece except of Peloponnesos, sometimes of Macedonia, now thessaly it self sometimes of Epeirous, and then all of Greece was within Aegean, and all these countries were inhabited by Greeks. It would appear that the most annuitant Pelosgia left from the race whose first people occupied that part of Europe. There does seem to be one fact established that the Hellenes were not the first who occupied Greece they came after a number of tribes of the Pelasgion origin. No one really knows there are many arguments about this as well. I found it funny or odd that these discussions would be dismissed when an agreement could be met; however they would easily remove the difficulty by coming to an agreement by inventing a hero or demigod that suited everyone's purpose. So as earlier mentioned, from Hellen they agreed on the name of Hellenes, also Heracleidae came to be known as Heracles and Ionians as Ion; and Pelasgos the son of Zeus. Up to this point, there was little information to guide us, although there was always light poetry that dawned around them. Although historians tell us there were, facts that couldn't be ignored such as the Thoacians being entirely of Pelasgian origin. Also, the Macedonians were plainly of the same stock as with the Thracians. It is obvious that there were many tribes and even different denominations and it seems to me that they all came from or descended from the same race. This brings me to the characteristics of the Greeks. As I have read this too if one would think long, enough about it how even our characteristics of today are not so different from a time long ago. When poetry places them before us, it is profound for the divinity and everything connected with service of religion. Gods and men moved together over the earth cooperated in bringing about events. Although we as a whole worship one God instead of many; history shows us in many ways it has had to take men and God in bringing about events whether it be by what some call faith, and like history books some must have had it proven to them. As for the Greek's keeping up with a constant interchange of beneficence the Gods aiding the mortal repaying his aid with gratitude an example of this was the mortal submitting to the Gods guidance and to be directed. Sometimes as in the case of Odysseus and Athena, the feeling of grace and favor on the one side and of veneration and gratitude on the other was unexpected. Don't we in some since expect the same from our prayers? By that I mean give gratitude to our God and by giving offering each Sunday, isn't this also a way we give gratitude for what God has done for us. I found it amazing as I read how much a like in characteristics we are in the twenty first century to our ancestors who lived so many years ago. Many of us today are very merciful and caring for the poor. The Greeks also had a high respect for their elders. I also found it extremely fascinating that the Greeks had believed that parents held or had no right to any type of higher honor. People who were blessed with children were regarded as instruments by which God had communicated the mysterious and sacred gift of life. These people actually believed the parents were supposed by their children to be forever invested with a high degree of sanctity as ministers and representatives of the creator. Hence, the anxiety experienced to obtain a Father's blessing and the indescribable dread of his curse. A peculiar set of events, the terrible Erin's, all but implacable and unsparing were entrusted with the guardianship of parent's rights. Now, I can't help but think about how the Greeks felt toward friendship almost as if their friendships were more important than the wonderful blessing of parenting. Not that friendship is not extremely important especially true friendship, but nothing is more precious than the gift of being blessed with a child. The Greeks adored friendship between two men. There is no evidence shown in any other country's history or traditions so many examples of this virtue as in those of the Greeks. In Greece, these people felt that when two men became friends it was more important than a marriage between a man and wife. The friendship through their eyes was as one they were completely united as one. They were like twins, what one felt the other felt. Their thoughts were the same. One did not have and independent thought, if one was slashed than the other as well. They had the same opinions. They faced adventures, dangers, absolutely everything together, even death. As peculiar as I personally may find their friendships to be, I find it also peculiar of the configuration and productions. This was considered the most remarkable feature in Greece consisting in great many varieties of forms, which its surface assumes in the territories of the numerous states into which the country was divided. Of these, two resemble each other, whether in physical structure, climate, or production. It is said that the general atmosphere of Greece is mild, but not in every part. Greece is known to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. They have palm trees and the myrtle flourishes in sight of the pine. Greece is known to have tropical birds of beauty that can not be found any other place in the world. Although they do have storms frequently with what we might say is giant sized hail there is also eternal snow. In Macedonia, it is known to be rocky and bold. Speaking about the beauty of Greece and it's surroundings a person can not help but think of Athens and Sprat, which are known to be representatives of Greece when it came to education. I can not help but think of what Apollo once commanded. If the citizen wanted respect and intelligent children, they must put what is most beautiful in the ears of their sons. They bored one of the lobes and inserted a gold earring. Those people who wore a gold earring would become good men and be preservers of the country. Whatever education had to give was also to be given to every citizen. With education mentioned, I must mention of what I read about the children, their birth, as well as the women who gave birth. The care of the children was taken care of even before they were born. The mothers were actually given rules while they were pregnant, although as I read many things women were made to do are what women today choose to do, such as eating certain foods and exercising. Wine was prohibited and only water was the drink allowed by the expecting mother. I for one did not drink wine when I was pregnant either and I still drink a great deal of water. During the period of a woman's pregnancy she was believed to have been watched over and protected by the goddess Eileithyia, who was considered the mother of love. Newborn infants in Greece bathed in cold water. In Sparta, they bathed in wine. In Athens, newborn children were laid on golden amulets in the form of dragons, which were supposed to commemorate Athena's delivery of Erichthonios to the care of the two guardians. Under certain circumstances, instead of joy and gladness, the birth of a child was, as in Thrice, and event of sorrow and misery. It supposedly announced the fact of an approaching enemy. I find it extraordinary that when it came to education the Greeks atlas tried to educate the poor as well as the wealthy in one form or another, but when it came to the birth of the poor woman's child she many times would be driven to despair. Therefore, her hands would be filled with the blood of her child, with many boogies and rejoicing. On the fifth day from birth, a ceremony took place, which was called amphdromia. The child was named usually until about the tenth day, this was because if an infant was going to die they believed it would be within ten days. The child was usually named according to what derived from some circumstance that had been going on around the time of conception or the birth. For example, thus Mariposa, Homer being born away from Apollo attained the name of Halcyon, was inconsolable for the loss of her baby. Of course when we mention children we have to think about what on earth kinds of toys did the children have and what kind of games did they play? I found it interesting that some played with a rattle that was actually made from that of a rattlesnake. Some had little chariots built by their slaves of course these were probably the richer children. Boys when able would pretend they were at war. In Greece as everywhere else education took place in the nursery. At birth a child was furnished with ideas in his mind, as his intelligence would seem to strengthen the five sluices, which let in, as they believed to be all the flood of knowledge, this afterwards overflows his mind. Most education consists of observing the child. A most important part of the education for the boys consisted of physical discipline. Whether it was started by the men for lack of something to do, instead of going to war in a far off place, or as a tribute to the Gods gymnastics played an important role in every boy's education. It was discouraged for a boy or a young man to make a profession of gymnastics, because as a warrior this person could not go very long without water or food. Although they were huge in stature and had enormous strength, they were susceptible to fatal attacks from disease if they departed form their usual habits and regime. It seems that dance also played an important part of gymnastics routine. In Athens, it was a mark of illiberal education to be ignorant of the various forms of dancing. It was considered an absolute necessity by all Greeks to excel in the accomplishment of dance. Whether it was for the preparation for the performance or the learning of the movements to help in battle dace was widely accepted as much as any religious right. The Cretans, the Spartans, the Thessalians, and the Boeotians held this division of gymnastics in particular honor, chiefly with an outlook to war. The Athenians and Ionians most generally contemplated it more as a means of developing the beauty of the form, and conferring ease and elegance on the motion and display Its really becomes clear in this chapter of the book that the Olympic games both winter and summer, track and field, and inside games were started by the ancient Greeks. I never really understood their importance until now, I knew they had a lot to do with the creation of the games, but it seems they covered all the bases. They prepared them selves for war they were fulfilling their duties as citizens and at the same time brought to perfection their strength, their vigor, and their manly beauty. They also knew that a healthy body created a healthy mind and improved learning performance. The healthy body was of great use during the hunt. The chase would often last for hours or days. To herdsman and shepherds, it was an occupation to them. The highly learned and educated often hunted for the fun of the chase, while the poorer population hunted for food and clothing from their kills. Dogs or hounds were often used in the chase or hunt, and many great fables of that time were of fearless dogs that in the presence of their master would even attack a lion. Their use of camouflage and knowledge of traps and snares was used extensively for they were very intense hunters. It seems to me that a lot of their hunting skills came from education and enrichment of their athletic abilities and they were able to use what they had learned in the gymnasium or on the field to track or hunt their game. Last but certainly not least in the education of the young was philosophy and poetry it was even considered a branch of the field sports and was enjoyed rather than studied. They were taken to small amounts of material and would go over and over it to let it sink in rather than to learn large amount of knowledge that they might soon forget. Philosophy in Greece comprehended religion, and to be religious was to act justly, benevolently, mercifully towards men, humbly and reverent toward God. It was necessary to possess knowledge of the whole theory of ethics, since virtue in their opinions was incompatible with ignorance. They believed like I do that if a man is a moral being he is accountable to the laws of God and his country and his duties to that country. And as in all free states (I thought this was a powerful statement) reasoning and persuasion, not blind will and brute force are the instruments of government. As I end this report, I can't end it without giving my feelings about what I have read. In my opinion, I found this book overwhelming at times. Many words as in emotions came to me as I read it.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Instruction and Learning Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Instruction and Learning Styles - Essay Example At this level of higher learning, I would say that auditory learning style is dominant over the other styles which are only used in some subjects. To enhance that the auditory method is effective there are various learning habits tailored to get much out of the study time. These study habits may include recording of lectures for later hearing, group discussions, reading out lecture notes softly to you, tutoring others and participating in classroom discussions. Not all of the mentioned habits may be effective to me since some like taping the lecture for later hearing may lead to time wastage and poor attention during the actual lecture. I would prefer reading quietly rather than reading loudly except for exercises to enhance reading skills. The other three study habits facilitate active learning, and by this, different points missed during the individual study time are shared. After an individual study, one may tutor others so as to instill knowledge and enhance understanding for a l ifetime. .The study habits to enhance effective usage of time in visual learning may include drawing diagrams relevant to the study contents. Mind mapping may also be effective in cases of flowing materials, chains, processes and may used to link related information. Others may include use of flash cards, creation of mental pictures and rewriting of lecture notes in own words. The last style, kinesthetic, is the use of concepts given in a practical environment. It includes study habits such as underlining and highlighting key points in the notes. Answers to various exercises to be used in a lifetime such as of multiplication tables, squares and square roots may be repeated during other activities such as jogging and walking. One may also create own practice tests and teach the learnt topics to your group again. Reflective judgment Reflective judgment is a model that describes the development of reasoning from adolescence to adulthood. It looks into the thinking where knowledge is ob tained by solving problems from both the certainty and uncertainty. The model describes a dimension of cognitive development gathered from theoretical work of the scholars; John Dewey (1933, 1938), Piaget (1960, 1970 [1956], 1974), Flavell (1963, 1971, 1977), Perry (1968, 1981), Broughton (1975, 1978), Fischer (1980; Lamborn & Fischer, 1988) and Kegan (1982, 1994). The model is featured in seven developmentally related stages of assumptions on how knowledge is acquired. The seven stages are summarized into three levels of reasoning namely pre-reflective (Stages 1-3), quasi-reflective (Stages 4 and 5), and reflective (Stages 6 and 7). The pre-reflective reasoning involves the belief that knowledge is certain if only it is acquired through direct observation or from an authority figure. It is divided into three stages i.e. stage 1 to 3. In stage 1, assumption is that, knowledge is absolute and concrete. Knowledge is obtained from direct observation and beliefs need no justification. I n this stage, a belief is true if is the taken as the truth. In stage 2, assumption is that knowledge is absolutely certain though not immediately available since it can also be obtained from authority figures other than through direct observation. Justification of the beliefs comes from correspondence to those of an authority figure such as a teacher or a parent. In stage 3, the assumption is tha
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Should robots be given the same rights as human Essay
Should robots be given the same rights as human - Essay Example tties of their life to make it easier and accelerate in a supersonic velocity with three laws of robotics injected within the mechanisms of robots so that they cannot surpass the superiority of the humans, their creator. The three laws of robotics goes with the convention that a) A robot will not injure a human being or, will not allow a human being to come to harm through force, b) It will definitely obey the orders entrusted upon it by the human beings except in cases where such orders gets contradicted with the First Law , c) It will shield its existence until and unless such shielding gets inconsistent with the First or Second Law (Isaac Asimovs "Three Laws of Robotics). But with the advancement of artificial intelligence, Cyberneticists have proved that the robots can imitate behaviors, can learn from the mistakes, posses the power of generation multiplication through probabilistic mode of self reproduction, and can become possessor of unbounded life span through self repairing mechanism (McNally and Inayatullah). Robots after gaining these powers will definitely claim equal human rights. However if equal human rights are bestowed upon the robots the world can face tremendous devastations or advancement with the possibility of subordination of the human race under the authority of robots unless and until the three laws of robotics do not gets
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
FOUR BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
FOUR BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Essay Example 2. Balance Sheet: The balance sheet, sometimes called the statement of financial condition, shows the financial condition of the company. It reflects both long- and short-term assets and liabilities of the company at a given point in time. 3. Cash Flow Statement: shows the cash inflows and outflows of the company. Cash outflows are subtracted from cash inflows to derive the net change in cash for the period, the statement shows how much excess cash was generated by the business after meeting all cash expenses for the period. 4. Statement of Retained Earnings: Also known as the 'reconciliation of net worth statement', shows the changes that have taken place in the company's retained earnings over the reporting period. How the total profit was used - to distribute among shareholders as dividend and how much was retained to increase net worth. Financial Statements report a company's past financial performance and current financial position. They are designed to provide information on four primary business activities: Planning, financing, investing, and operations (Bernstein & Wild, 2000). These statements provide an overview of a business' profitability and financial condition for the period in review and over along term through comparison with the earlier statements. All these statements provide the figures for the previous comparable period. For example the annual balance sheet will show the information of the previous year also. Presentation of the statements is so organised that anyone, studying the reported data, can readily determine what action should be taken, from that individual's point of view and need. Elements of financial statements are of two types; those that constitute financial position or status at a moment in time and those that represent changes in financial position over a period of time. Assets, liabilities, and equity or net assets describe levels or amounts of resources or claims to or interests in resources at a moment of time. All other elements - revenues, expenses, gains, and losses - describe the effects of transactions and other events and circumstances that affect an entity over a period of time. The interrelation between the two types of elements is called articulation: Each statement serves a specific purpose, and all four statements have an interlocking financial relationship.The two types of elements are related in such a way that (a) assets, liabilities, and equity (net assets) are changed by the elements of the other type and at any time are their cumulative result and (b) an increase or decrease in an asset cannot occur without a corresponding decrease or increase in another asset or a corresponding increase or decrease in a liability or equity. These relationships are collectively referred to as "articulation". They result in financial statements that are fundamentally interrelated so that statements that show elements of the first type depend on statements that show elements of the second type and vice versa (Carmichael, 2003). Financial statements of companies are complex documents and other essential information such as the comments of the management of the company (Directors Report); its Auditors certification that the accounts have been prepared faithfully and represent the true picture of the position and transactions of the company; and, a series of notes which detail individual
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