Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Where Are You Going Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates
The decisions that you make throughout life can make or break you; you just have to make the right ones. In Joyce Carol Oates story â€Å"Where Are Your Going Where Have You Been?†, the main character is Connie. Connie had an older sister but she was nothing like her. Her older sister always pleased her mom, and Connie did not care. Connie and her friend hang out and go to the shopping center or the movies. One day they decided that instead of going to the mall they would go to the diner across the street. She met a boy named Arnold. After that night everything started to spiral down. â€Å"Where Are You Going Where Have You Been?†demonstrates a teenager who decided to cross the road and become a woman. Connie was tired of the life she was†¦show more content†¦Arnold has shown himself as a very dangerous predator. â€Å"Aside from his dress and mannerisms, which eventually strike Connie as wrong, Friend is described as having a ‘nose long and haw k-like, sniffing as if she were a great treat he was going to gobble up.’ His ‘teeth were big and white’ just like the wolf in the cautionary tale of ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ Charles Perraults version of this fairy tale ends with the moral ‘Children, especially attractive, well bred young women, should never talk to strangers, for if they should do so, they may well provide dinner for a wolf.†(qtd. In Caldwell) Connie tries to call the police but she cannot and ends up trying to call for her mother but she is home alone. She was shaking and cannot dial the phone. One possibility is that this is a dream and she is seeing what will happen to her if she continues the path that she is on. In a dream you are not in control. You try to observe what is happening and see if you can understand what is going on. Arnold tells her what to do and she does it without any hesitation. She just obeys and does what he tells her to do. So she puts d own the phone. Connie thinks that she is watching herself open and go out the door. This is another supporting detail that this part of the story is a dream. She starts to think about her family and that she might not be able to see them again. This worries her the most. With all these things considered Connie transitioned to a young girl to aShow MoreRelated Joyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?1539 Words  | 7 PagesJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?      Joyce Carol Oates was born in 1938 in Lockport, New York. She started writing very young and that the age of fifteen she submitted her first novel, but it was rejected for being too dark;. This style of writing is common on many of her works including Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?; Oates graduated from Syracuse University and then went on to get her masters degree from the University of Wisconsin. Oates turnedRead MoreJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?651 Words  | 3 PagesJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? Every person comes face to face at some point in life with vital decisions. Some of the decisions are minor ones, while others can bring turning points in life. In Joyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been? she displays a particular instant in the main characters life. This character, Connie was caught in the difficult transition from her youth and innocence to a doubtful future. Throughout the story Connie alternatesRead MoreWhere are you Going? Where Have you Been? by Joyce Carol Oates1100 Words  | 5 PagesWhere Are You Going, Where have you been? is a short story written by Joyce Carol Oates. The 75 year old American author and professor at Princeton University, introduce the story of 15 year old Connie who is rebelling against her mother’s whishes. A very arrogant and selfish girl that in her world the only thing that matters is how many heads she can turn when walking into a room. Through the story life gives her a test, to confront Arnold Friend, th e antagonist of the story; who possesses a nefariousRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been By Joyce Carol Oates990 Words  | 4 PagesSocial Reality: An Analysis of â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†by Joyce Carol Oates Joyce Carol Oates has kept her true inspiration behind â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†in order to create a willing suspension of disbelief between realism and fantasy. The short story by Oates was released soon after the newspaper published the murders committed by Charles Schmid Jr. in 1966. The story displays numerous resembling details that match the real-life murder case involving â€Å"TheRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been By Joyce Carol Oates1032 Words  | 5 PagesOne may never realize the people surrounding one’s everyday life, crammed with bodies of contrasting characters, pasts’, and styles; however, who are these people genuinely? Arnold Friend, in the short story, â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†by Joyce Carol Oates, managed to deceive with his false characteristics. Arnold Friend was brought to life from Oates’s imagination of the mischievous serial killer Charles Schmid. Arnold Friend and Charles Schmid similarly attempted to delude withRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been? by Joyce Carol Oates1157 Words  | 5 Pages Joyce Carol Oates’ â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†is a modern interpretation of the classic narrative of evil tempting innocence. Oates’ version of the devil allegory combines this Christian model of temptation with contemporary secular society. Connie is a pretty fifteen year-old girl, beginning the process of maturation into adulthood. She begins to become aware of her ability to act of her own volition, but her naivete renders her ignorant to Arnold Friend’s layers ofRead More Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1563 Words  | 7 PagesWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates In Joyce Carol Oates story, a teenage girl named Connie was stripped of her innocence. Gonna get you baby( 497).This chilling line is what the devil said to Connie the first time Connie came in contact with him which foreshadows of things to come. This one comment clearly points to a situation where Connie would be taken from a safe haven of innocence. She would be TAKEN, not simply invited. Connie was a Read MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1107 Words  | 4 PagesIn Joyce Carol Oates â€Å"Where are you going, where have you been?†introduces us to Connie a self-absorbed, rebellious, and very naà ¯ve fifteen year old who is tossed into this world of sexuality, and adulthood she believes she knows all about. As Oates explains about Connie to us we get introduced to what influences her to act out and not care what others think and go about dealing with problems herself. Her mom is brought in as an over protective mother who wants to see her daughter succeed but doesn’tRead MoreJoyce Carol Oates Where Are You Going Where Have You Been1502 Words  | 7 PagesThe Devil in Disguise Joyce Carol Oates’s â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?†describes the story of a fifteen-year old girl named Connie who does not seem to have a care in the world. The story takes place in the seventies. Connie is a girl who just wants to have fun and is all about her appearance and boys. In the beginning of the story, you understand the relationship between the mother and Connie. The mother appears to be malicious of her young and beautiful Connie saying such harshRead MoreWhere Are You Going, Where Have You Been by Joyce Carol Oates1008 Words  | 5 Pages There are always two sides to every story. The short story â€Å"Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been†, by Joyce Carol Oates is a prefect example of just that. In this short story, the main character is a fifteen year old girl, named Connie. The young adolescent has two sides to herself; one when she is at home and one when she is out with her friends. When Connie is at home, she acts c hildlike. However, when she goes out she tries to act like an adult by changing her clothes and the way she talks
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Sex And Violence In The Media Influence Teen Behavior.
Sex and Violence in the Media Influence Teen Behavior In the 21st Century Sex and Violence in the media has had a good and bad impact on our society. It is very common around the world that many kids are exposed to violence or some type of sexual activity rather in household or in the media. The media has become a common reason as to why violence occur. Teenagers in the 21st century are exposed to more sexuality and violence than ever. Being exposed to sex and violence has had a bad impact on teens because what they see in the media sometimes have an effect on their behavior. The media plays a huge role in the lives of many teens in everyday life. The amount of violence that the media exposes young teens too has caused controversy and has†¦show more content†¦The media gets paid for what they do whether it’s broadcasting negative news or positive news. If the parent cannot monitor what the child consumes, they should be able to explain to the child why certain things are done and said. As children continue to grow and become teenagers, in some cases there comes more attitude and disobedience. Becoming a teenager is a huge transition because you are beginning to notice things about yourself and others. With growing there comes curiosity and television shows and the media can definitely have a negative influence on them. Sometimes you can hear teenagers say ‘I saw that on tv’ or the internet and because they see others trying it, they are influenced to do it as well. This can be drugs, sex or anything that these teenagers see. Without that conversation to teach these teenagers to be smart and make good choices, they will continue these things which can in the end affect them. Ferguson wrote in his article that video games can alter one’s thought process. If a teenager is constantly consuming games and not interacting with people his age, he is not growing or expanding his communication skills (2013). By being stuck to the telev ision playing games all the time, this can create the mindset that the life is a game and it should be played as well. For example, Ferguson used another article from Adam Lanza’s shooting rampage and explained how real thisShow MoreRelatedViolence And Sex On Television898 Words  | 4 Pages Violence and Sex on Television: Effects on the Younger Audience In today’s society, the media is used greatly for communication, advertisement, information, and for numerous other reasons. The world has evolved by technological advances as well as by the type of content that is put out on the internet, radio, and especially on television. 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Huesmann says, â€Å" Violent scenes that children are most likely to model their behavior after are ones in which they identify with the perpetrator of the violence, the preparatoryRead MoreMedia Influences our Children1181 Words  | 5 PagesMedia Effect on Today’s Youth Media plays a strong hand in the development of a child in society. Youth are easily influenced and could think actions of unsavory morals are appropriate because it was in media. This is a major problem today as the news make reports of children intentionally committing crimes as big as murder. Children are experimenting with drugs and alcohol at an earlier age and there is even a show dedicated to teen moms on MTV. Of course, media is not the only force at fault hereRead MoreCause-and-Effect Relationship between TV Violence and Actual Crimes1755 Words  | 7 Pages What evidence do you find in these essays that establishes a cause- and effect relationship between TV violence and actual crimes? The subject of violence and sexuality on television has remained of great concern for both liberals and conservatives, and there are advocates on both sides of the issue in each ideological camp. While some liberals bridle at any attempts to curtail speech, others are concerned about the impact that violent television viewing has upon impressionable viewers likeRead MoreEssay about Violence on Television1246 Words  | 5 PagesViolence on Television Today’s society is heavily influenced by television. The violence disrupts a child’s learning process and can alter the moral beliefs that an older person has. Children view more violence on Saturday mornings than any other time. The cartoons aimed at little children influence youngsters to mimic violent acts because their parents do not fully explain the effects of the stunts. It is pathetic that in such a technology based society, such a simple thing as television canRead MoreRegulating Children And Teen s Music Choice1343 Words  | 6 Pagesin a good mood, bring back memories and inspire. Although music can be a positive influence by triggering happiness and excitement, it promotes violence in young children and teens, and confuses them morally. Music can influence a child’s thoughts and actions. Young children tend to remember and mimic the things they see and hear without actually understanding what they are doing or saying. When negative influences such as violent and explicit song lyrics are introduced to a child, it can be embeddedRead More Does The Media Influence Adolescents Sexual Behaviors and Attitudes?1299 Words  | 6 PagesSexual content first appeared in the media in the 1980s. It was in the shape of a sex education newsletter (Rich, n.d.). Puberty is a strange stage for a teenager. During this stage in life they go through different developments such as hormone increase, sexual desires etc. The media can sometimes influence adolescents to become sexually active. They are more susceptible to being swayed to accepting sexual acts as being normal during the puberty stage. Depending on the age and phase of growth theRead MoreEssay on The Media Should Be Censored1023 Words  | 5 PagesMedia has beco me a powerful source of knowledge, and a great breakthrough in human history. Who can regret that media is a daily need in our lives. Media has the ability and control to adjust to all levels of knowledge in people. Media helps us to escape from our daily lives and our problems in times of stress. Thou Media as proved to be beneficial by educating, entertaining and informing us, it has also have its downfall, to cause many bad influences to the younger audience. Media has influenced
Monday, December 9, 2019
Evaluation of Article of Positive Accounting Researchâ€Free Samples
Questions: What is the scope of positive accounting research? What are the current levels of gap existing in positive accounting research? What is the applicability of present positive accounting research? Can the current theoretical models be applied or tested and results be consistent? Answers: Introduction Positive accounting is a branch of academic accounting research that is contrasted with normative accounting(Bowen, 2008). The article Half a defense of positive Accounting Research by Paul V Dunmore examines the various concepts related to the scope of positive accounting research. The term positive accounting was formed and developed by Watts and Zimmerman who formed the theory. The scope of this paper evaluates a broader framework for understanding and applicability of positive accounting research in accordance to human behavioral setting(Lennox, 2011). Poppers falsification criteria fail to test logic for statistical testing and superficial analogues. Existing models and theoretical frameworks are rather casual in nature that has heavy reliance on testing hypothesis. The scope of this report identifies the framework for positive accounting research by completely reviewing of the article. The pertinent research questions are identified from the same article along with the theoreti cal framework and significance of the article(Malmi, 2009). The article has provided useful information and inputs for formation and growth of the stream of positive accounting framework. Summary of the Article The article evaluates relevant concepts regarding positive accounting in a broader sense with explanations in accordance to human behavior. Positive accounting is an extremely useful concept hence it is examined according to ontology and epistemology of the program(Gaffikin, 2007). While defining positive accounting it has to be accommodated that it incorporates a wider framework of research which is scientific in nature and analyses by means of cause-and effect relationships(Smith, 2014). Accounting in contemporary organizations involves less human interventions and more of interpersonal complex systems that are used for decision making and information processing. Conducting accounting research by way of ontology and epistemology enables overcoming shortfalls and challenges incurred in positive accounting research(Hopwood, 2007). Positive accounting research has been conducted by multiple researchers has been unable to explore and make contribution towards application of projects. Auditing literatures will be able to make positive contribution towards development of positive accounting research. Through well-established social systems positive accounting research will be able to achieve its real purpose. Kuhn (1970) initially suggested a concept for a disciplinary matrix approach which rather appears to be a paradigm for making an intellectual contribution(Dunmore, 2011). Lee (1997) also supported the paradigm proposed by self-replicating such data. The article is based on scientific proceeding by incorporating in random data collection with reliable information. There has been various positive research in accounting undertaken by Watts and Zimmerman. Their contribution is remarkable as they devised a theory for it by expressing an operational phenomenon. However, there are a large number of controversies on this given model as it is a fundamental model which cannot be defended in qualitative terms(Gow, 2010). The ways that managers deploy in for making decisions depict that there might be a number of ways in which accounting information might be presented. The usefulness of this article is in examining the gap that exists among positive accounting research and the applicable research which are practiced. Kuhn proposes a real world view of the aspect of positive accounting unlike Popper, who had proposed hypotheses for testing and applicability. Popper believes that testing of hypotheses and analyzing their results can yield valuable insights into accounting practices. The scope of this research proposes a puzzle that can be solved and applied by researchers in the field. Positive accounting research can be viewed as a nexus of contractual view of the company by providing an accounting tool for facilitation and performance. The publication made is complaint paradigm that established high rejection rates. Thus, from the findings of the research it can be established that Type I error is new and unexpected in nature thus, can make significant contribution. Many researchers who view positive accounting to be deficient can make use of this journal and extend the work. Poppers criteria is focused on falsification and hypothesis testing through collected data. There are many researchers who rely on statistical procedures for testing their claims and in building of theories. But there are several potential weaknesses associated with the statistical procedure itself. Hypothesis testing fails due to technical issues multiple number of times. Comparison with Pioneer anomaly further reveals the weakness associated with the results. However, as accounting data is subject to a series of measurement error and noise there remains role for statistics in positive accounting research. but the central theme of utilization of statistics should be to apply it in making of estimation rather than incorporating in for hypothesis testing procedures. Positive accounting research provides a wider endeavor that is scientific in nature, for incorporating in human behavior and in understanding complex behaviors of organizations. In practice world decisions are influenced by way of control systems and specialized information, thus it cannot have weak methods for drawing inferences. Positive accounting research needs more of theoretical models that can have applicability, they need to also provide scope for improvement. Further these models needs to be as accurate as possible in nature, either horizontal or linear in approach. Theoretical models needs to be tested and developed with experimental capabilities hence have to have an analytical approach. But the scope of positive accounting research has remained aloof from empirical tests. Models proposed by Feltham and Ohlson (1995) offer some path for testing their propositions. Focus of positive research needs to be on measurement which offers shift from testing. Choi et al. (2009) offe rs audit complexity and strength from legal regime which are related to each other. Hence, while testing and measuring concepts needs to be detailed and cleared for understanding. Thus, all the studies conducted are more replication after replication rather than proposing something new. The objective behind replication is to explore the limits of previously suggested models and reflect on the sampling errors of them. Thus, extending the approach of earlier research work done and providing applicability for the same. Theoretical Framework The thesis statement proposed in contemporary accounting research evaluates mechanisms that shape financial statement information making approaches(Ahmed, 2007). The first approach discussed here is focused on investors while the second one is focused on managers. Hence, the first approach proposes that financial statements are for investors, this is the main approach identified by primary accounting research. This views has also gained support from financial reporting standards setting boards and key textbooks for accounts. Thus, the primary focus of the theory remains that investors are the audience for financial statement information. Therefore, it draws from this that financial statements need to be regulated that can protect investors from frauds and conspicuous reporting(Larcker, 2010). But then also investors do not base their decisions solely on financial reporting and capital markets functions as avenues that help mitigate financial risks. While investors avert opportunists views of managers the sole reliability of the theory is to protect the status of investors. Thus, arises scope for providing an alternate way whereby a separate point of view can be established. Fundamental requirement for critical qualitative research for theoretical models has to provide applicable limits. Hence, studies needs to valuated competing theories while treating a theory that can examine wider data sets(Kothari, 2010). Through positive accounting human behavior or approaches to accounting can be established. There are theories present which cannot be challenged and applicability is assumed compared to evidencing them. The outputs from these various theories consists of uninterruptable coefficients that might or might not be consistent across samples. Hence the need for a theory was released and positive accounting theory was established(Bisman, 2010). Significance and Limitations of the Article The significance of this article is in approaching positive accounting research by way of ontology and epistemology which had not been attempted earlier(Oler, 2010). The new line of research was extremely powerful in determining ways and means that accounting can progress. The research done within the article has made several serious contributions as mentioned below; It has been identified that there is a need for development of a theoretical model that can be highly specific and vulnerable(Barth, 2008). There was a need of a model that can be applied and be used for further research of scholars. The need of a model which can easily be tested and structured was high as it was insufficiently developed. The model has provided means for measurement that can be operationalized. While selecting a model for application functional attributes of the same needs to be formed and linear relationship with other concepts needs to be made(Melis, 2007). The reliable measure can act in favor of audit as well by depiction of correct parameters. While most models deals with testing of hypothesis, this model proposes parameters for measurements. Measurement with significant skill and results was estimated by use of this model(Tjosvold, 2008). Finally the article provides validation of conclusion from testing of hypothesis for confirmation of accuracy for extending limits of research. Conclusion The area of positive accounting research has made tremendous contributions to wider number of projects due to its applicability. The key objective of the paper is to identify the various forces that help shape financial statement information. There are two viewpoints that have been analyzed in the study. While predominant research in the field suggests investors viewpoint being the key driving force, the scope of this paper examines epistemology and ontology of positive research. The paper addresses the key gap areas which current researches in accounting does not account for a successful research program. Though there remain several suggestions for quantitative positive research, yet there remains to be a need for theoretical models that are specific and vulnerable for detailed testing purpose. As several models in is positive accounting research have failed to make serious impacts, accounting relationships are merely expressed in terms of signs that can link two variables. There is immense number of elaborate models for the purpose of analytical research but they are not structured well such that they can be implemented or can be operational in nature. Hence, the paper draws on a stable model that can function well and be applied in the aspects of positive accounting research. The scope of this paper might not be provide much enhancement to the human knowledge but will be useful for researchers who are willing to make positive contribution in the field. Reference Lists Ahmed, A. S. (2007). Accounting conservatism and board of director characteristics: An empirical analysis. . Journal of accounting and economics, 411-437. Barth, M. E. (2008). International accounting standards and accounting quality. Journal of accounting research, 467-498. Bisman, J. (2010). Postpositivism and accounting research: A (personal) primer on critical realism. Australasian Accounting Business Finance Journal, 3. Bowen, R. M. (2008). Accounting discretion, corporate governance, and firm performance. Contemporary Accounting Research, 351-405. Dunmore, P. V. (2011). Half a Defence of Positive Accounting Research. Gaffikin, M. (2007). Accounting research and theory: the age of neo-empiricism. . Australasian Accounting Business Finance Journal, 1. Gow, I. D. (2010). Correcting for cross-sectional and time-series dependence in accounting research. The Accounting Review, 483-512. Hopwood, A. G. (2007). Whither accounting research?. The accounting review, 1365-1374. Kabir, H. (2011). Positive accounting theory and science. Kothari, S. P. (2010). Implications for GAAP from an analysis of positive research in accounting. . Journal of Accounting and Economics, 246-286. Larcker, D. F. (2010). On the use of instrumental variables in accounting research. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 186-205. Lennox, C. S. (2011). Selection models in accounting research. . The Accounting Review, 589-616. Malmi, T. . (2009). In search of management accounting theory. European Accounting Review, 597-620. Melis, A. (2007). Financial statements and positive accounting theory: The early contribution of Aldo Amaduzzi. . Accounting, Business Financial History, 53-62. Oler, D. K. (2010). Characterizing accounting research. Accounting Horizons, 635-670. Smith, M. (2014). Research methods in accounting. Sage. Tjosvold, D. (2008). The conflict?positive organization: It depends upon us. . Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19-28.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Road to a Mans Heart is Through His Stomach Essay Example
The Road to a Mans Heart is Through His Stomach Essay The way to every mans heart is through his stomach Ever since I was 13 years old, I have always wanted to be a chef. I have loved food with a passion, not Just food but also cooking It. My mother would teach me the basics when was young and I used to love to help her. She would tell me neat little tricks and I would listen very Intently. For years, my mother and I would serve dinner to our whole family and as the years progressed got better and better at cooking. My love also grew much stronger. Now I am a 30 year old professional chef working at one of the best hotels In the world. Pole would wonder how I became such a good chef Just from my mother teaching me the basics. The answer would be cooking classes. I always had a burning hunger to learn more and more. The only way I could become a great cook was by taking cooking classes. Being taught by people who have mastered the profession was just a great experience. There were so many little and big things that I learn. Certain tips and tricks no one can teach you except in proper cooking classes. The reason why I am where I am today is because of these classes. If you are looking to be a professional chef and serving world class food or Just want to learn cooking, I highly advise you to take these classes wherever you are in the world. Certain things can only be taught here and you can get hands on experience of everything. They definitely changed my life, and I am sure they will change yours too. If you are looking for cooking classes San Francisco, there are some really great options. Some of them are Hands on Gourmet located on 2325 3rd Street 330, is a cooking school and has restaurants. Here aspiring chefs can learn so much and learn more by looking at how professional chefs work at the restaurant. Another great option would be Lee Cordon Blue College of Culinary Arts which serves the whole San Francisco area. This Is one of the most reputed culinary schools to work at and Is hands down a great learning experience. Kitchen Affairs located on 550 S Van News Avenue Is also a great option for cooking classes San Francisco. Lastly Baking Arts located on 542 Brannon Street Is a great cooking class. We will write a custom essay sample on The Road to a Mans Heart is Through His Stomach specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Road to a Mans Heart is Through His Stomach specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Road to a Mans Heart is Through His Stomach specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Now If you live In the Seattle area, you do not eave to worry as there are some great cooking classes Seattle. Some of them are Blue Ribbon Cooking located on 2501 Falterer Avenue Is a great option. Also Deans Market Kitchen located on 1101 Post Avenue is a great place for also a great place with a nice environment for students to learn. These were some of the cooking classes Seattle. If you are aspiring to be a chef or Just want to learn cooking, taking a cooking class would be the best option for you.
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