Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Frankenstein Encounters Of The Third Kind Comparative
One prominent novel that displays this is Mary Shelley Frankincense (1818). Victor, the scientist, creates a being that sadly gets rejected by society and even its own c aerator, with devastating consequences. Whereas in another concentration novel, Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1947), by Steven Spielberg, the Aliens are secretly welcomed by a select group of scientists, and a small group of ‘normal every people from the general public. In both novels, the main characters each neglect thee r families, suffer mental trauma, and have an obsession over something.To begin, in Frankincense , Victor thoroughly neglects his family for two whole years without having any contact with them, while he is creating the creature. In the midst of creating the being, he says, â€Å"And the same feelings which made me neglect the e scenes around me caused me also to forget those friends who were so many miles a absent. †(Shelley 45) Victor does not think that it is important to sta y in touch with his f rinds and family, and thus suffers even more when he is sick after the successful creation n of the monster.When he succeeds in bringing the creature to life, he is disgusted by t, neglects it, and abandons it. The monster says, â€Å"l, the miserable and the ban done, am an abortion, to be spurned at, and kicked, and trampled on. †(Shelley 231 ) The creature is not loved by Victor, or anybody else that it encounters, which is pa art of it's motivation to retaliate by committing crimes and making Victor miserable. Kisses, in Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Roy Nearly also rejects his fame ill in his pursuit of the ‘aliens' and ‘Fuss' .He is fired from his job, and constructs a 10 cookout platform on top of his garage, where day after day, he passes away the time eating for the Buffo's to come back. Like Victor Frankincense, in the midst of Roy Nearly actions, he forgets about his family and detaches himself from them, barely spending any time with them. His wife says, â€Å"Roy was sitting in his patio chair on the platform he had built on top of the garage roof. .. Roy didn't seem to hear Toby calling. He didn't see m to hear anybody these days. (Spielberg 39) This shows how Roy only really cares ABA UT looking for the BUFFO'S, and doesn't think about his family and how he is neglect ting them by not spending any time with them, but rather ignoring them. Secondly, Victor Frankincense deprives himself of rest and health when he is constructing the creature, and he experiences significant mental trauma whew n his creation comes to life. He has horrific nightmares, and exclaims how, â€Å"l was life less and did not recover my senses for a long, long time. †(Shelley 53) He also says how he contained a â€Å"nervous fever†(53).After the death of Victor's dear friend Henry Cleaver, Victor is shocked, and feels guilty that it was his fault for his friends death, beck cause he suspects that it was the mon ster who killed Henry. Victor says how he was doomed o live and in two months found myself as awaking from a dream , in a prison, stretched on a wretched bed†¦ â€Å"(Shelley 183) This line describes how miserable Victor is; how he is essentially stuck in a nightmare for two long months. He is in a prison, and his mental state is obviously deteriorating to the point where he is very depressed, and ‘ doomed to live'.Similarly, Roy Nearly puts himself in various situations which make the reader wonder if he is going insane/ crazy. After his encounter with the Buffo's, he is ‘compelled' to go somewhere or find something, but he doesn't know what it is he is searching f r. He first creates a small model of a mountain (â€Å"Devils Tower†) out of shaving cream, an d then proceeds to make a infection tall representation of the same mountain in his Paving room. His family wakes up in the morning to Roy throwing anything in he can find, like dirt, chicken wire, etc into the house.Nearly exclaims how, â€Å"If I don't do this†¦ L will need a doctor. †(Spielberg 154) His wife and children then proceed to drive away in their car, leaving Roy behind, and his wife?s last words to him are, â€Å"For what†¦ To see the me take you away In a straitjacket? (Spielberg 1 57) This shows how Ray's wife and chill drew think that he is going insane, and feel like he will eventually be taken away to a mental hospital/ institute. Both Roy Nearly and Victor Frankincense suffer serious mental deterioration and trauma as a result of their compulsions/ their specific pursuit.In Victor's case; bringing a human back from the dead, and in Rosy case; trying t o find out more about the Buffo's and Alien visitors. Lastly, Frankincense, and Robert Walton are obsessed with their own single need pursuits. Victor is obsessed with pushing the boundaries Of science, and Robe t is obsessed with finding a passage to the North Pole/ the Northwest passage. In Vi ctor's pursuit of knowledge, he doesn't stop to think about the consequences of his actions; he says how he was â€Å"Attacked by the fatal passion. †(Shelley 54).This eventually c asses his downfall, and the deaths of many of his friends and family. In Wallow's bobs session, he puts his crews lives at risk by continuing on their journey. He says how he an d his crew â€Å"voluntarily endured cold, famine, thirst, and want of sleep. †(Shelley 3) Walt on is obsessed with continuing forward, even whenever he knows that he and his c ewe have a very low probability of being successful, and ultimately of surviving. Similarly, Roy Nearly forms an obsession with the Buffo's that he witnessed that one night.After the strange event, he spends his days up on top of the garage ROR f, neglects his family, and his mental state becomes questionable. He is obsessed with if ending what is hidden at â€Å"Devil's Tower', and even a government military can't keep him from getting to it. This also shows how ambitious Roy is. When he is on his way to if ND what is at Devil's Tower, he says, â€Å"he [Roy] wasn't all that sure he could successfully escape the GM nerve gas†¦ He was on his way to something important and blindly pus heed on. (Spielberg 175) Roy is obsessed in a simpleminded pursuit, and is also ambition us and brave for not letting himself get stopped by the ‘nerve gas'. He ‘blindly' pushes on, not worrying about his personal safety/ health or the consequences of his actions. In , when Victor first creates the monster, even though he has spent years researching and creating the being, as soon as it comes to life, he is disgusted by it and repels it. The sociological and mental effects soon affect Victor, and he wonder s how anybody will ever accept him once they find out about the unethical thing he has done.Victor knows that society would most likely repel and reject the creature just lie eke Victor did when it came to life, which is exactly what happens, propelling the create re to become a ‘monster and take it's revenge out on Victor and his beloved friend s and family. In contrast, in Close Encounters of the Third Kind , Roy Nearly is compelled to find out more about the OF he experienced, not giving any thought or care to what a nobody else in society would think about him once they found out.
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